Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace


    by Clarice Feldman, American Thinker:

    The forces determined to monopolize the public square through censorship, lies, and social pressure have devastated universities and scholarship generally, allowed a corrupt public health bureaucracy to ravage our lives, and stuck us with the most incompetent and corrupt leadership in our history. There are signs that this monopoly is hitting some bumps in the road, and if you are brave enough you can and should help the cause by fighting to keep your right to speak freely.

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    One of the biggest forces behind the shifting tide is Elon Musk, who spent a fortune to unlock Twitter from government control. He speaks for me here:


    “It’s bizarre that we’ve come to this point where free speech used to be a liberal value. And yet we see from the ‘left’ a desire to censor. That seems crazy. I think we should be extremely concerned about anything that undermines the First Amendment…

    We must protect free speech, and free speech is only relevant when it’s someone you don’t like saying something you don’t like because, obviously, free speech that you like is easy. The thing about censorship is that for those who would advocate it, just remember at some point that will be turned on you.”

    Two candidates for the presidency have joined the battle for free speech. Whether you support them or not, they represent a significant force for exposing political mendacity and fighting for the truth as they see it.

    The first is the biggest threat to the nomination of the Biden-Harris American wrecking balls: Robert F, Kennedy, Jr.,  author of The Real Anthony Fauci, a takedown of the slippery man who was lionized by the press as he destroyed our economy and civic life. Fauci’s day in the sun  is fast coming to a close as he weasels his way in an effort to avoid accountability for what he’s done,  and Kennedy’s attacks on him, the pharmaceutical industry, and the warmongers is significant.

    The other is a brilliant Republican Vivek Ramaswamy, who every day espouses positions with which I am in full agreement. Like this:

    Abolish teachers unions. Shut down the Dept of Education & use the $$ to fund school choice + 3 armed security guards in all schools to protect children. Publish curriculum online & cameras in the classroom. Revive civic education without apology. I’ll do my part as President, but it’ll take all of us doing our part


    The Fed has tried to play God with a fat finger for the last 25 years & failed miserably. You can’t hit two targets — inflation & unemployment — with one arrow. Time to go back to focusing the Fed on stabilizing the dollar, period. If elected, I will

    And this:

    Unleash the American economy: achieve >5% GDP growth. We can *grow* ourselves out of our economic problems. We’ve done it before. We can do it again. End the climate cult. Stop paying people to stay home. Abandon the culture of apology.

    Some Free Speech Heroes

    They aren’t alone by any means, though major media and those who book guests on TV and cable slots rarely mention them. There are people like Bob Woodson, who has spent a lifetime working to actually help the poor:

    CRT [Critical Race Theory]

    has distorted the meaning of the previously attractive word “equity.” To proponents of critical race theory, it means distributing benefits by racial percentages, rather than by individual merit.

    Even Bill Maher believes the Left has overstepped, welcoming Elon for a discussion on free speech and attacking the racialists:

    Bill Maher says 327 people are responsible for a third of all shoplifting cases in New York, young black men killing one another are responsible for the majority of shootings in Chicago, and prominent black celebrities should publicly denounce the violence and crime: “Why aren’t there a hundred giant black celebrities who would have the respect of those people saying what are you doing to yourself? Why are you killing each other?”

    Compare with the mendacious lies about George Floyd’s death and support for the BLM rioting which followed in almost every major media and educational institution. Indoctrinating young blacks into falsely thinking they are targets of police and defunding them has led to widespread lawlessness, and few have the courage to speak out on this.

    There are three scientists of note who were silenced and marginalized when the government monopolized discussions in the press and social media about COVID, who signed and circulated as best they could under that blackout the Great Barrington Declaration critical of the lockdowns and advocating focused protection of those most at risk: Sunetra Gupta, University of Oxford, Martin Kulldorff, Harvard University, and Prof. Jay Bhattacharya, Stanford Medical School.

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