Shady elites launch all-out war on free speech


from WND:

Tucker Carlson: ‘That’s the end of the First Amendment’

“Election denier.” “Science denier.” “Climate-change denier.” “Conspiracy theorist.” “Hate speech.” “Fake news.” “Disinformation.” “Misinformation.” “Malinformation.”

A bizarre new lexicon has been conjured up by America’s elites, the sole purpose of which is to discredit and ridicule – and if at all possible, censor entirely – speech that doesn’t support their increasingly dark and deranged agenda.


In the greatest of ironies, the nation once boasting the most robust culture of freedom of speech and the press, undergirded by the strongest constitutional protections for those rights, is now ground zero for a total war on free expression.

How could this happen in the United States of America?

One fundamental reason lies at the very heart of today’s radical and unprecedented compulsion to crush free speech: The elites – from the permanent “ruling class” in Washington D.C. (aka “the Deep State”) to their propaganda ministry called the “mainstream media” to the Big Tech oligarchs controlling the internet to Big Pharma and other corporate giants, all obsessed with ever-increasing power and wealth – are all lying to Americans continually.

It follows, then, that truthful speech, especially the kind that serves to expose, undermine and annihilate the elites’ self-serving agendas, constitutes the greatest threat to their reign, which in turn compels them to crush dissent at all costs – the very essence of totalitarianism.

Whether the forbidden speech comes from a courageous public official, a genuine journalist, a principled doctor, a concerned parent at a school board meeting or a Christian praying outside an abortion clinic, the response of the ruling class is the same: Demonization, suppression and persecution.

Thus are moral, honest Americans daily smeared as “violent extremists,” “domestic terrorists,” “white supremacists” and “ultra-MAGA insurrectionists,” or – as Joe Biden characterized tens of millions of Republicans during a major speech last summer – “semi-fascists.” Biden’s blanket attack on the great American middle class echoes Hillary Clinton’s on-camera remarks just prior to the 2016 election, when she described a very large number of Americans (i.e., those opposing her) as “deplorable” and “irredeemable” – one of the rare times when leaders of the ruling class speak publicly about how they really feel about regular Americans.

Sometimes, as with many of the approximately 1,000 Americans arrested after the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol riot, decent people are unjustly incarcerated as in brutal Third World dictatorships, simply for holding – and expressing – political views condemned by the ruling elites.

Bottom line: Today’s powers-that-be simply cannot stand truthful expression because it exposes them for what they really are. Thus, truthtellers must be censored and “canceled.”

Take Tucker Carlson, hands-down the most popular conservative TV commentator in America, ousted by Fox News Channel’s ruling Murdoch family on Monday, April 24 with no prior notice nor reason given. The cable news giant has been seriously hemorrhaging viewers ever since. Recently, insider reports have claimed that despite official denials from all sides, Carlson’s expulsion was part of Fox’s $787.5 million out-of-court settlement of the Dominion voting machine lawsuit.

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