Second IRS Whistleblower Probing Hunter Biden Comes Forward, Claims Retaliation


by Katelynn Richardson, The Daily Caller:

A second Internal Revenue Service (IRS) whistleblower came forward Monday to express concern about the investigation into Hunter Biden’s alleged tax fraud and financial crimes after the entire team working on it was removed from the case, according to the New York Post.

The whistleblower has worked on the case since it opened in 2018 and believes he was removed for doing the “right thing” and raising concerns about how the Department of Justice (DOJ) was handling the issue, according to documents sent to Congress and obtained by the New York Post. In April, his IRS supervisor, who has worked on the case since 2020, told Congress the investigations faced “clear conflicts of interest,” according to The Wall Street Journal.


The supervisor was told that the whole investigative team would be removed from the Hunter Biden case on May 15, according to a letter from his lawyers.

“I … have spent thousands of hours on the case, worked to complete 95% of the investigation, have sacrificed sleep/vacations/gray hairs etc., my husband and I (identifying me as the case agent) were publicly outed and ridiculed on social media due to our sexual orientation, and to ultimately be removed for always trying to do the right thing, is unacceptable in my opinion,” the whistleblower wrote in an email Thursday to senior IRS officials, according to the Post.

He continued to say that he and his supervisor have “asked for countless” meetings with senior leadership but have “often to be left out on an island and not heard from.”

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