Operation Sand Man and Ramifications…


by Stan Szymanski, The Tenpenny Report:

Truth is treason in an empire of lies.

The financial news coming out as of late is getting more and more alarming. We don’t have much time left before the financial house of cards that the American economy is comes tumbling down. In other words, the collapse is imminent.

I can now say with certainty that the collapse is in progress now. The Western central banks have all pooled their resources to stop cash outflows from different banks around the Western world, to plug holes that appear, and keep the banks solvent. But it’s too much; the dam has too many cracks, too many holes, and there aren’t enough fingers available to stop the leaks.

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Think about it this way; FTX collapsed, with some $30 billion, and cryptocurrencies vaporized. That in turn pulled in Signature Bank, Silvergate and Silicon Valley banks, in classic bank runs. It would appear that regulators are set to limit withdrawals from banks, to prevent future bank runs. In other words, your money is safe in the bank… until you want to withdraw it.

The shock waves from SVB pushed Credit Suisse, the 2nd largest bank in Switzerland, over the edge, after suffering from numerous scandals in recent years, including a spying scandal, the collapse of two investment funds in which the bank was heavily involved, and a rotating group of executives. The dominos have clearly started to fall, and there are roughly 200 other banks like First Republic ready to collapse in the same way that SVB did. It is abundantly clear that the American financial system is teetering on the edge of the abyss; the only thing that has kept it from already doing so is the US Treasury promising to stabilize the system via bailouts. But the FDIC is already tapped out from the SVB debacle; additional funds will have to be created from thin air, you know, the newly created money via the digital printing press.

This translates into continued inflation, as there are roughly $17 trillion in US bank deposits. The M2 money supply is roughly $21 trillion, so the money supply (and prices for everything) would roughly double, if the US government were to bail out everyone.

For countries and people outside the USA who use the dollar for international transactions, this means that their 2 percent per month inflation rate would now almost double in a very short time. You can’t effectively save money, wealth, future purchasing power, in a currency that is intentionally being devalued by the issuing government; it’s a complete loser. So producer countries have long had the desire to switch to an alternative currency, which is more stable, issued by a country not run by insane egomaniacs like we now have in the USA.

Enter Operation Sand Man, a rumor propagated for over a year by Steve Quayle. The first video I can find of him describing this is 9/21/21, here. I have not been able to find any other sources for this story, much less documentation. But that should be no surprise. Steve Quayle has LOTS of hidden sources. I have no secret-squirrel sources to give me inside information; I’m just another guy having to rely on publicly available sources, and extrapolate from there using my understanding of economics, experience and common sense. In a nutshell, Quayle says:

“Information that came to me…is that, [on October 15th?] at the 11:38AM mark on Wall Street, there will be a declaration by the Fed, itself, declaring Force Majeur. And that simply means, because of a situation beyond control, in this case, there’s too much debt and nothing to pay it back, that the American dollar becomes worthless.

And what Janet Yellen has done, in my opinion is telegraph to the entire world that the United States dollar is coming to an end and as further proof of that, there’s an operation called ‘Sandman’, based on the Petrodollar, Saudi Arabia and the oil-exporting countries are going to basically refuse to take the US dollar.

Most people don’t know but up until…a couple of years ago, all of the oil that was bought and sold was in US dollars. Well, that day’s coming to an end, because there’s an agreement of 130 nations to abandon the US dollar concurrently and simultaneously when the go signal is given…

That means the money in your account denominated in dollars goes away. It means your credit cards no longer work. It means all the benefits, whether it’s EBT, whether it’s Social Security, whether it’s all these things – and look, I’m not trying to scare anybody – but this is the plan they have, to starve out America. This is the equivalent, in my opinion of Stalin’s Holodomor, where 5 million Ukrainians were starved to death. So, that’s what’s at stake.”

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