from State Of The Nation:

Controlled Demolition In Progress of All Banks That Are Not TOO BIG TO FAIL

But what exactly are the Khazarian banksters up to with this black operation?

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Submitted by The Armchair Banking Analyst
State of the Nation

The short answer is this: The Too Big To Fail banks are stealthily being given a total monopoly over the entire U.S. banking system because they have always been completely owned and operated by the Khazarian Cabal.

In this way, when CBDC is rolled out nationwide, there will be no smaller banks in the way of the Khazarian plan to eliminate all cash and coin from the street as well as from the American banking system.  The Central Banking Cartel has had an institutional CBDC in place for quite some time undergoing beta testing.

*CBDC = Central bank digital currencies

Slowly but surely all (i) commercial banks; (ii) savings and loan associations and savings banks; and (iii) credit unions will be driven out of business or collapsed via bank runs, steep share price declines, etc.  The controlled demolitions of various banks being meticulously executed throughout 2023 are just the beginning of this long-planned covert currency takeover scheme.

The much publicized plight of the several banks which have already been shut down, forced into a fire sale and/or taken over by the FDIC is being used to scare all vulnerable banks into the pen of CBDC compliance.  These “shock and awe” controlled demolitions are also panicking the targeted banks into transitioning however the Khazarians have planned for each of them.

Let’s be very clear here: whenever and wherever it concerns anything having to do with banking, the Khazarian Cabal exerts absolute command and control over the situation.  It is in this highly controlled context that they are able to stage captivating dramas and orchestrate engrossing media reactions in order to effectuate specific outcomes.

KEY POINT: The current form of the Global Economic & Financial System was created by the Khazarian Cabal over centuries as the following exposé well explains: THE BANKSTERS: Who, What, When, Where and Why?????

Hence, what we are all witnessing today is the final stroke by the Khazarians to overtly incarcerate the American people in their new digital money matrix.  A One World Currency has always been the key piece of their New World Order agenda to lock US down for forever.


The Power That Be always look to implement the Great Reset via their time-tested Ordo ab Chao strategy.
Read More @ StateOfTheNation.co