Nolte: Trump’s Glorious Town Hall Performance Might’ve Delivered the Final Killshot to CNN


by John Nolte, Breitbart:

President Trump appeared on far-left CNN for 70 minutes last night and just might have delivered the killshot to a propaganda outlet that was already taking a ten count in the ratings.

Boy, was I wrong. Mea culpa, Mr. President. Mea Culpa.

And you cannot imagine how happy I am to be so wrong. Even if Trump did well on CNN, I assumed this would still be a win for CNN. Well, it wasn’t. Instead, it was a catastrophe for the Hoax Network, which is why, right after the town hall; you could hear the tears of frustration in election meddler Jake Tapper’s voice.


Last night, Trump put the t-r-u-m-p in “triumph.” He showed up with a plan, executed it perfectly, exposed “moderator” Kaitlin “Nurse Ratched” Collins* for the mental lightweight she is, and charmed anyone watching who is not a humorless prig missing their “joy” gene.

Collins flew into that town hall on her broom backed by breathless reports of a big, new CNN contract by way of a big, new promotion to CNN’s 9 p.m. slot … and proceeded to lay the biggest egg since Climate Change wiped out the dinosaurs.

Watching Trump reduce Collins to “that’s wrong,” “that’s wrong,” “that’s wrong,” like a learning-disabled mynah bird dipped in bleach, had me rolling on the floor.

Her laughably transparent game plan was to get under the former president’s skin, but it backfired. She looked feckless. He looked cool, calm, prepared, and unflappable. While she heckled and lied, he delivered. While she sputtered like a first wife, he put on the Trump Show. While she stamped her feet, he won over the audience and offered a vision for a future filled with promise and prosperity. He floated over her tripwires like Fred Astaire while she stood there looking like the last sheet on a roll of cheap paper towels.

Trump pulling copies of his time-stamped Tweets to prove Collins a liar was so far beyond ownage, the former president might have violated the Emancipation Proclamation.

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