Narratives Lost at CNN, Lie Spies, Blinken, Immigration & Debt


by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

CNN had a huge night with the President Donald Trump Town Hall event.  Trump beat down the Lying Legacy Media propaganda reporter at every turn.  It was so bad that CNN cut the ratings- getting event short by 20 minutes.  This is like running the movie “Forrest Gump” or the “Wizard of Oz” and cutting off the last 20 minutes.  It’s not about ratings.  It’s about narratives, and the Deep State lost big-time with the CNN event.

More narratives lost this week with the Biden family hiding $10 million in foreign payments for who knows what, according to the GOP.  On top of that, the Hunter Biden Laptop we were all told was Russian disinformation, but it was not.  It was true, and everybody lied about it.  Former CIA Chief John Brennan admitted in Congress it was all political.  Other former CIA officials and other spies lied to get Biden elected and not thrown in jail for treason.  We also find Secretary of State Tony Blinken was at the center of the laptop lies while he was at the CIA.  He said he was not, but emails prove he was the key player in rounding up the liars to cheat the American public about crooked Joe and bagman Hunter.


The narrative about the banks being strong and the overall economy too, also took a big hit.  A little known Fed presentation in February shows it knew of 722 banks that have lost more than 50% of their capital!!!  More severe banking trouble is coming, and the debt ceiling is not going to be negotiated, according to Joe Biden.  That should make the economic problems go away—NOT!!  Get ready and stay ready, rough times are coming soon.

There is more in the 39-minute news cast.

Join Greg Hunter of as he talks about these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up for 5.12.23.

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After the Interview: 

Dr. Sherry Tenpenny will be the guest for the Saturday Night Post.  The CV19 emergency is over, but the injuries and deaths are certainly not.  It’s all going to get worse, and Dr. Tenpenny will tell you how you can detox from the CV19 bioweapon/vax and shedding.

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