Musk’s ‘Neuralink’ Is a Brainstormer’s Nightmare


by Dr. Steve LaTulippe, America Outloud:

I love new technology. Especially when it can eliminate human suffering. Now comes a new contrivance from Elon Musk’s brain-implant factory that is supposed to help those who cannot help themselves. Forget the quote Ben Franklin popularized, “God helps those who help themselves.” Elon hopes to be your savior. And no, the quote is not from Scripture.

Elon believes he now has the technology to modify or induce brain function by implanting a new device whose electrodes will stimulate muscle function in paralytics, modify other neuromuscular diseases, and alter the progression of various neurological disorders. He just received a green light from the FDA to proceed with human studies. Go to the Neuralink Twitter page for their full proclamation of this “important first step that will one day allow our technology to help many people.”


Are you thinking what I’m thinking? How will this new bioengineering technology actually be used? We must face the sobering fact that whatever can be used for good can also be used for evil. And the evil is always marketed as being “safe and effective.” Most of us already have learned that lesson. But let’s not twiddle-dee-dum about this issue. History clearly validates the claim that new technology not only can but will be used for both good and evil. So it behooves us to do our homework and investigate the downside of this frontier medicine.

On the good side, yes, “the Link,” as it’s called, has tremendous potential to restore function to denervated muscle tissue. When a muscle loses its nerve connections through injury or other disease, the muscle cells shrink and die. That’s why paraplegics develop very thin legs over time, as nerve stimulation wanes or is suddenly disrupted. If new artificial “nerves” can reconnect the cerebral motor cortex to the muscle fibers, then muscle function can be plausibly restored. This is the kind of technology we all hope to see medical research produce.

Let’s hearken to the ugly truth that medicine has been hijacked, and those who control the supposed “science” narrative have a serious integrity crisis. No longer do they aim for the good of mankind. Money is their new god. Power is their driving force. Death and destruction are their endgames. Of course, they’ll never expose their real agenda. So we must look for it.

Look at Anthony Fauci, who told us masks and lockdowns are good for us. Listen to the self-proclaimed pseudoscientist Bill Gates who says we will learn to love artificial meat. Recall the climatology lectures of attorney, diplomat, and politician John Kerry, who says the sky will fall if we don’t buy into the Green New Deal. Frauds abound. Where does Elon Musk fit into the integrity spectrum? I’m still not sure. Whether or not he’s owned by China is a matter of opinion. But we can be sure that thousands of moral misfits will be eager to grab this new micro machinery and use it to do harm, and to gain billions of dollars in the process.

Do we really have cause for concern? That’s almost a stupid question. Every top-rated hospital in America now advocates for the transgender mutilation of our innocent children. It’s a sterilization project. The spike protein “vaccines,” whatever form they may take, are cancer catalysts, cardiotoxic, immune-suppressing, sterilizing weapons of mass destruction, and all the hospitals either forced or promoted them. The medically-imbedded enemy is pathological to human health and survival. For that reason alone, Neuralink’s new brainstorm — not a pun — has cause for consternation.

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