Let the Blue Cities Die


by Kurt Schlichter, Townhall:

The Democrat cities are urine-soaked hellholes that reek of pot where criminals stalk unmolested while the full fury of what is supposed to be the law hangs over the head of any citizen who dares do something about it, and that’s good. The idiots who live there voted for turning their urban landscapes into petri dishes of social pathologies, and they should enjoy the full benefits of their decisions. We normal people should avoid these socialist wastelands and elect legislators to Congress who will starve them of the federal funds that enable their decline. In red states, our legislators should wage warfare on the blue tumors in their midst lest they metastasize outside the city limits. And we should ruthlessly point to them as the future Democrats want, which they are, a vision of a psychotic hobo taking a dump on the sidewalk out in front of your house forever.

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Us normal people can’t help the cities and their moron populations because they don’t want to help themselves. We tried compassion. Now let’s try compression. Let’s squeeze them until they pop, like the pimple on America’s rear end that they are.

We used to love going to New York City. It was like Vegas for people who don’t play slots. The excitement, the food, the energy – there was no other place quite like it. And now there is no place like it at all, because the corpse of the Big Apple that we enjoyed visiting was rotting even last year when we swung through on a book tour. The people, at least the normal ones, were missing – it looked empty somehow. But what it lacked in people it made up in dank clouds of weed smoke. The whole place smelled like a dorm at Rasta U. Junkies, bums, derelicts, and other key Democrat demographics loitered on the streets; the cops seemed to have simply checked out. But who can blame them? The Soros DAs, the slack-jawed electorate elected won’t charge anyone anyway unless he’s a political enemy or a normal person trying to protect New Yorkers from one of the myriad freaks the city fetishizes and indulges.

As in California, all the good ones are leaving. There are a lot of complaints about blue state denizens shifting to red places and bringing their clown show politics with them, but in my experience it’s the red people who are saying “The hell with this” and checking out. The poor libs can’t move and the rich ones don’t need to – their little enclaves are relatively safe. The subways may be a concrete jungle where freaks with meat cleavers wander and you might get pushed into an oncoming train by some schizo with 100 arrests and no real jail time on his rap sheet, but the cops are still empowered to act in the well-heeled precincts. People ask how I can stay in LA, but I’m not actually in LA – I’m in a city by the beach where the cops actually cop. The chaos is for the poors on the uncool side of the 405; my neighbors vote for Ted Lieu and let the consequences of their moral preening fall on the people who don’t work via Zoom.

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