Just 0.3% of Scientists Agree Humans Are Causing ‘Climate Change’


by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:

This Substack has written extensively on the PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE program; to wit:

The below chart should in a sane world put an end to all “climate change” arguments. The current atmospheric CO2 level is around 420ppm, which is critically too low. We actually need more CO2, not less.2nd Smartest Guy in the World is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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The Great Reset: Klaus Schwab’s WEF has plans to implement a ‘Carbon Allowance’ that will restrict what you do, buy and eat

OCTOBER 13, 2022
The Great Reset: Klaus Schwab’s WEF has plans to implement a ‘Carbon Allowance’ that will restrict what you do, buy and eat

by The Exposé In his 2020 book “THE DENIAL” journalist Ross Clark describes a dystopian future in which everything we buy or do has a carbon (CO2) value and each household or individual has a carbon allowance which is the maximum amount of CO2 they are allowed to use each month.

PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE: 300 Years of Global Warming With or Without Industrial CO2

PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE: 300 Years of Global Warming With or Without Industrial CO2

The same cabal that invented the laughable term “fossil fuels” for their fraudulent “peak oil” narrative in order to extract ever more profits for their energy companies through false scarcity, are now escalating their “climate change” con to impose their electric vehicle (EV) takeover.

The latest climate data further proves that the One World Government and their criminal nodes in the UN, WEF, WHO, CFR, Club of Rome, et al. as well as their various captured government partners-in-crime are perpetrating total fraud ahead of their technocratic Great Reset eugenics endgame.

by Frank Bergman

New data has emerged that directly conflicts with claims by the United Nations about so-called “climate change.”

The globalist UN claims that “97 percent” of scientists agree that climate change is caused by humanity.

According to the UN and its allies, the remaining three percent of scientists who don’t support that “climate crisis” narrative are “science deniers.”

However, according to Gregory Wrightstone, the executive director of the CO2 Coalition, a lot more than 3% of scientists are skeptical of the party line on global warming.

The many scientists, engineers, and energy experts that comprise the CO2 Coalition are often asked where they “believe in climate change.”

“Yes, of course we do: it has been happening for hundreds of millions of years,” Wrightstone explains.

“The real question of serious importance is, ‘Is climate change now driven primarily by human actions?’

“That question should be followed up by ‘is our changing climate beneficial or harmful to ecosystems and humanity?’”

There are some scientific truths that are quantifiable and easily proven.

It is, therefore, possible that at least 97% of scientists agree with such statements as:

  • Carbon dioxide concentration has been increasing in recent years.
  • Temperatures, as measured by thermometers and satellites, have been generally increasing in fits and starts for more than 150 years.

However, it is impossible to quantify the actual percentage of warming that is attributable to increased anthropogenic (human-caused) CO2.

There is no scientific evidence or method that can determine how much of the warming we’ve had since 1900 was directly caused by humans.

We know that temperature has varied greatly over the millennia.

We also know that for virtually all of that time, global warming and cooling were driven entirely by natural forces, which did not cease to operate at the beginning of the 20th century.

The claim that most modern warming is attributable to human activities is scientifically insupportable, Wrightstone asserts.

The earliest attempt to document a “consensus” on climate change was a 2004 paper cited by Al Gore in his “non-fiction” book, “An Inconvenient Truth.”

While Gore attended a natural science class at Harvard, he got a D grade for it.

The author of the cited paper, Naomi Oreskes, asserted that 75% of nearly 1,000 papers she had reviewed on the question of climate change agreed with the “consensus” proposition favored by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”).

The IPCC states: “Most of the observed warming over the last 50 years is likely to have been due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations.”

None, she maintained, dissented from this line of reasoning.

The primary paper that is often trotted out in support of the notion of “97% consensus” was written by John Cook and several other climate extremists.

Published in 2013, it is the most widely referenced work on the subject of climate consensus and has been downloaded more than 1.3 million times.

Cook runs a climate website that promotes climate fear rhetoric.

The website specializes in attacks against those who have provided evidence that refutes the dogma of impending climate doom.

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