Iran Has Quietly Been Enriching Uranium Stockpiles And Now Has Enough To Produce Three Full-Scale Atomic Weapons To Launch Against Israel


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

There is a growing sense in Israel that Jerusalem is quickly running out of time to prevent Iran from becoming a regional nuclear power.

It has been a little while since we last did an article on anything going on in the terror state of Iran, there really has been that much interesting news coming out of that area. But just as it’s always dangerous when a little kid suddenly ‘gets quiet’, Iran has been quietly going into an uranium enriching frenzy. Right now they have 193 pounds of U-235 enriched to 60 percent, or enough mass to produce three full-scale atomic weapons. And it doesn’t stop there.


Israel is rapidly coming up upon two realities, one they’re aware of and the other they are not. The first is the fact that, at some point, military action will be necessary to stop the Iranian nuclear ambitions, just as it was back in 1981 when Israel launched Operation Babylon to destroy Iraq’s nuclear program. The other is the time of Jacob’s trouble, warned of by nearly all the prophets, and will start in the immediate aftermath of the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church.

Is Iran unlocking the gates to Armageddon?

FROM THE HILL: According to a February 2023 official International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report to the United Nations Security Council, Iran has portentously amassed a stockpile of 193 pounds of U-235 enriched to 60 percent, or enough mass to produce three full-scale atomic weapons. It has also, alarmingly, demonstrated a menacing capacity to enrich U-235 particles to 83.7 percent. Equally disconcerting was “two cascades of IR-6 centrifuges at Iran’s Fordo facility” were “configured” to facilitate reaching a weaponized grade of 90 percent.

Iran clearly knows now how to unlock the doors to a nuclear Armageddon. There is a growing sense in Israel that Jerusalem is quickly running out of time to prevent Iran from becoming a regional nuclear power. Moreover, it is highly likely that, as part of Tehran’s partnership to supply Russian President Vladimir Putin with drones for use in Ukraine, Moscow is helping Iran overcome the last of several remaining technical obstacles to producing, weaponizing, delivering and detonating a nuclear bomb.

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