Invisibility: Increasing OPSEC – Part 1


by St. Funogas, Survival Blog:

I recently read an article on advances which have been made using ear recognition as one more way to track us and violate our privacy. Since facial recognition systems are sometimes inadequate due to factors such as faces hidden by hair or covid masks, additional recognition technology using our ears is being developed. I don’t need to mention all the other ways modern technology is being used to violate our privacy or that our rights are being eroded by the day.


The article brought to mind a book I read while looking for a place to set up my homestead: How to Be Invisible by J.J. Luna. I used it extensively before and after getting established in a new life and found it to be valuable and informative. Not only did it outline what steps to take but also showed the various ways to accomplish them. While technology, cultural changes, and increasingly oppressive laws have made some of the ideas in the book obsolete, the concepts are still good and the majority of the information is still valid and doable. There are many similar books available.

While only a book can cover all the facets and adequate details of how to protect our privacy to the max, I offer here some of the things I’ve personally done.

For the very OPSEC reasons I’m about to discuss, I have to be a little hazy on the details of some of my experiences. The best ones I can’t even discuss but many of you will figure those out on your own if you decide to journey down the OPSEC road less traveled. I’m sorry to report that during the last day of editing the better part of wisdom dictated that some paragraphs and concepts should be deleted. It’s a sad day when we fear our government to that extent.

I hope this article is a teaser to inspire you to investigate this topic in more depth.

Before discussing the principles of OPSEC I use, let me stress the importance of being the gray man. Research this idea on your own but the basic concept is to blend in without doing anything to make ourselves stand out. For example, as much as I’d love to have a Gadsden flag hanging by my front gate, it attracts unwanted attention and passersby will mentally put me into a certain category of people when they see the flag.

One last important point. There’s an old saying that three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead. I’ve learned that lesson the hard way too many times. With that in mind, other than a spouse it’s extremely important that none of your friends and family know about the precautions you’re taking. They don’t need to know you’re seeking to be invisible, how you’re doing it, or what you’re preparing for. It defeats the purpose of what you’re trying to attain and once the cat’s out of the bag, many of your efforts will have been wasted. The few family and friends who are mentioned below as helping me in various ways aren’t aware of the real reasons why I ask for their help. I’ve never asked for any questionable or illegal things from them so they probably think I’m asking for convenience sake only.

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