Globalist scientists whose job is to control the “narrative” are named


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

The covid narrative architects have surprisingly few “experts” on their team to push their “narrative.” That’s why they have to recycle them and use them over and over, writes Dr. Meryl Nass. On the plus side, “[it] allows us to see the game and the players.”

Three of the narrative “experts” Dr. Nass identifies also advised Sajid Javid, the then Chancellor of the Exchequer (2019-2020) and subsequently the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care (2021-2022), regarding the response to the covid “pandemic.”


Although it’s not the subject of this article, it’s worth taking note of Javid’s career before politics. Before being first elected as Member of Parliament for Bromsgrove in 2010, he worked in business and finance. Aged 25, he became a Vice President at Chase Manhattan Bank, now JP Morgan Chase. He later moved to Deutsche Bank in London to help build its business in emerging market countries. Sajid left Deutsche Bank as a senior Managing Director in the summer of 2009 to “give something back through politics,” his website states

His ties with JP Morgan, where he started his career, have continued to this day.  Six months after quitting his position as UK Chancellor, Javid took up a role on JP Morgan’s advisory council for Europe, the Middle East and Africa (“EMEA”).

He is also a “digital member” of the World Economic Forum.  Despite then Prime Minister Boris Johnson banning ministers from attending, Javid attended WEF’s Davos 2020.

Although we do not explore the answer in the following article, the above raises an interesting question: To whom is Javid giving something back through politics?

Mapping the small group of globalist “scientists” whose job is to control the narrative

By Dr. Meryl Nass

Maria van Kerkhove is an American expatriate who went to Europe to do postgraduate work for notorious professor Neil Ferguson – the disaster modeller for each pandemic over the past 20 years who never got it right – who never came home, finding work with the dark side instead. I wrote about Kerkhove 10 days ago HERE – she is in a network; a fixer, not a scientist.

Only 3 plus years too late, she represents the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) in calling for more data to be released on covid origins. Immediately! Can you imagine her stamping her foot?

Share all SARS-CoV-2 data immediately, Science, 6 April 2023

Science magazine links to her other publications. So, I thought I would give them a look and see who her co-authors are. Mind you, there is no evidence any of these people actually wrote these articles, given the number of people in their agencies paid to do so. But they signed them, getting feathers in their caps but exposing their linkages.

#1 is just Maria.

#2 is Maria and her WHO governance buds Mike Ryan, physician from Ireland and Tedros, PhD from Ethiopia.

#3 gets interesting. Marc Lipsitch from Harvard, who has been toeing the narrative line. Arnold Monto, emeritus at the University of Michigan, who is the temporary dictatorial chair of the FDA’s vaccine advisory committee, pushing through covid vaccine approvals. The guy who cuts people off when they veer too close to a truth. Why is he writing a paper with Maria from Geneva? Neil Ferguson, her former boss from many years ago, who got in trouble for screwing his married lover when he was supposedly locked down, because he was a major voice in requiring the lockdown.

#4 includes William Hanage, Francois Balloux, Andrew Rambaut and Neil FergusonHanage was also an Imperial College student, now a Harvard professor and a predictable Henny Penny about covid restrictions, like FergusonBalloux is another Henny Penny who advised [Sajid Javid who later became] the Health Minister of the UK.

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