Former Pfizer VP and Chief Scientist Says the Covid Vax is Part of a Supranational Operation Intended to Intentionally Kill and Injure


by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Former Pfizer VP and Chief Scientist Says the Covid Vax is Part of a Supranational Operation Intended to Intentionally Kill and Injure

Yesterday I presented evidence that the official claims about Covid and the Covid vaccination amount to intentional, premeditated, mass murder and health injury. 

Today I report more evidence that fully supports the conclusion that Covid was a mass deception designed to kill and injure.


Ask yourselves why in the face of hard evidence and testimony from experts the US and UK media and official medical associations continue to deceive the public by ridiculing hard evidence and independent scientific authorities.  Who is behind the active suppression of the truth about Covid and the vax?

As I wrote yesterday, if there is no accountability for the Covid Deception, next there will be released a weaponized ebola or small pox virus.  

Former Pfizer VP and Chief Scientist Says the Covid Vax is Part of a Supranational Operation Intended to Intentionally Kill and Injure

And the evidence backs him up. 

Former Pfizer VP Michael Yeadon demands apology from media over lies asserting vaccine safety

US military doctors confirm in testimony before US Senate that in the first 10 months of 2021 compared to the five year average from 2016-2020, there were increases among vaccinated US military personnel of miscarriages by 279%, of female infertility by 471%, of male infertility of 344%, and birth defects by 156%. As most children conceived after the mothers’ vaccination had not yet been born, the final figure of birth defects will be far higher. 

US Senate hearing begins at the 40 minute point below:  

US gov’t whisteblowers sound alarm over increases in miscarriages, cancer, since COVID shot rollout

Three whistleblowers from the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) said that based on concealed government data there have been alarming increases in cases of cancer, myocarditis, and miscarriages since the rollout of experimental COVID-19 vaccines. 

‘This is corruption at the highest level. We need investigations. The Secretary of Defense needs to be investigated. The CDC needs to be investigated,’ attorney Tom Renz said.

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