Flying Blind: FAA Failure To Protect Public From Vaccine-Injured Pilots


by Truth For Health Team, America Outloud:

The DOT, DOJ, FAA, the major US airline carriers (United, American, Delta, Southwest, Alaska Airlines), and the AIG Insurance Group are, at this point in 2023, guilty of at least criminally negligent homicide under U.S. laws that were derived from the Nuremberg Code.

These federal agencies and industry groups have been duly notified in sworn affidavits from legal and medical experts of the irrefutable evidence of the widespread damage and deaths from the COVID shots. This evidence came from the detailed medical records in the military’s DMED database and was delivered by one of the top Army Flight Surgeons to Senator Ron Johnson, who then confronted the Secretary of Defense about this crisis and threats to public safety.


At this point, no action has been taken by any of these government and industry groups to take steps to protect the flying public from risks of air disasters due to vaccine-injured and incapacitated pilots and flight crews.

Mr. McGray’s career spans 55 years in aviation, including 32 years of military service beginning as a combat pilot in Vietnam, 12 years in General Aviation, flying more than 40 different light aircraft, and nine years of international Flag Air Carrier operations, both scheduled passenger and freight carriers. He is now in his 22nd year as an FAA inspector and investigator serving public safety. He has believed in Jesus Christ as his savior since 1966 and is working to serve the Master in standing against this greatest medical crisis in history and the worst attempted genocide on mankind in all of known history.

Examples of the devastating damage prior to the shots in 2021 include Southwest Airlines showing a 260% spike in medical cases per month over the average monthly sick list before the COVID shots: from the average of about 180 pilots out sick per month to a monthly sick list of pilots nearly 470 since the COVID shots were required by the airline. This spike in medical cases parallels the 2021 Reports of an 1100% increase in the number of medical cases in the military shown in the Defense Department medical database, compared to the previous five years — and that 1100% increase in 2021 occurred in just ten months after the COVID shots were rolled out.

Reports from Delta Airlines show an alarming situation there today. Their pilots have long maintained their own disability fund with voluntary contributions. The fund never fell short of monies until the shots started, and now is in deficit status due to overwhelming numbers of disabled Delta pilots. Additionally, the American Airlines pilot union now shows a 300% increase in disability claims from January to July 2022. The military medical case explosion fits with what is happening commercially.

American and Delta Airlines reports showing an alarming situation with disabled pilots after the COVID shots. The American Airlines pilot union now shows a 300% increase in disability claims from January to July 2022. Delta’s pilots have traditionally maintained their own disability fund with voluntary contributions. The fund never fell short of monies until the shots started, and now is in deficit status due to overwhelming numbers of disabled Delta pilots. The military medical case explosion fits with what is happening commercially.

Mr. McGray speaks today as a private citizen, off duty, under the protection of having complied with both the 1989 and 2012 whistleblower acts under the advisement of his legal counsel, Todd Callender, Esq. Mr. McGray has properly filed a sworn declaration with senior officials at the Federal Aviation Administration and the Office of Inspector General at the Department of Transportation. He is also covered by additional whistleblower protection from Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. The facts and conclusions are his own, from his educational, professional, and personal experience with military aviation and general aviation training and operations. His expertise includes international flag air carrier operations, plus years of other commercial operations.

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