False Flag? Internet Suspicious Over ‘Too Convenient’ Nazi Flag Outside U-Haul That Crashed Into WH Security Barriers Monday Night


by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

Missouri teenager Sai Varshith Kandula crashed a U-Haul truck into the White House’s security barriers Monday night.

Kandula was arrested at the scene and charged with “trying to kill, kidnap or harm the president, vice president or a family member,” (18 U.S. Code § 879) Daily Mail reported.


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Kandula later told FBI agents of his plans to overthrow the government, kill President Biden and “take over himself.”

Mainstream media outlets were quick to point out that 19-year-old Kandula was wielding a Nazi flag during the incident. And that he is a suspected white supremacist.

Users on Twitter who have seen images of Kandula’s Driver’s license photo are thinking otherwise about the media’s white supremacist claim:

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