Can you name >5 unvaxxed Amish who died from COVID? Why not? They are “supposed to be” dying in droves!


by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

The Amish didn’t lockdown, social distance, mask, or take a vaccine. It was business as usual. Few died. I offered $2,500 for anyone who could name >5 Amish who died. No takers. Just excuses.

Executive summary

The traditional Amish do not vaccinate. And they are a tight knit community. So they are the perfect placebo cohort. We just compare the rate of death of the unvaccinated Amish with the rate of death of people in the same area.


I recently learned that it’s likely that in the >50,000 person unvaccinated Amish community in Lancaster, PA there are less than a handful of people who died from COVID. Lancaster is the largest Amish community in the US.


If nobody in the world can name more than 5 Amish unvaxxed people who died in Lancaster, PA, it means the entire pandemic response (lockdowns, business closures, school closures, church closures, testing, masking, social distancing, mandates, not testing people for immunity before vaccination, and vaccination) was completely unnecessary and counterproductive. Whoops!

So my “Can you name >5?” challenge posted to Twitter is an objective test that should be trivial to win if the medical journal papers are right about there being a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

So far, nobody could name >5 unvaxxed Amish people in Lancaster, PA who died from COVID. In fact, they can’t name anyone. Zero.

People just came up with excuses, referenced vaccinated Amish who died, thought a Mennonite is the same thing as an Amish person, etc. The list of excuses was endless. The number of qualifying names? Zero.

If you want objective proof that our society was destroyed for nothing, my Amish bet is your proof.

The Amish did nothing and their death toll was 30X lower than ours. They operated as if nothing happened.

Will we learn from them? Not a chance.

The CDC will never do a study on the Amish; it would be too embarrassing for them. It would show the world that the CDC everything they demanded of us was both harmful and unnecessary; it made things worse. And the stuff the CDC said to not do? Well, that’s what the Amish did. You know; like that horse paste.

Instead of handing over control in the next pandemic to the WHO, we’d actually be better off putting the Amish in charge.

The bottom line is this. They can throw all the technical papers in the world at you explaining how the Amish are dying in droves, but if they can’t actually come up with the names of >5 unvaccinated Amish people who died from COVID in Lancaster, PA since the start of the pandemic, you should tell them where they can stick their “scientific studies” and their stupid COVID mitigation policies.

The “must watch” video

This will give the needed background. It’s a short 5 minute video featuring Sharyl Attkisson.

Nobody in mainstream media will touch this story because it completely blows up the narrative. It shows that all the COVID interventions were completely unnecessary! The Amish returned to normal in May 2020. Read that again.

The Amish achieved herd immunity before the vaccines were even available.

They also have zero autism (except if the person is adopted) for the people who eschew vaccination.

Even if the vaccine worked and was safe, there was simply no reason for them to take the vaccine because 90% had already been infected in 2020. Taking a vaccine after you’ve already got natural immunity is nonsensical and counterproductive. However, in the US, we were told to get the vaccine even if we recovered from COVID. Very dumb.

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