Biden’s Disastrous Policies Are Destroying Our Identity as a Nation


by Daniel Baranowski, America Outloud:

Biden’s open border policies have nothing to do with refugees, asylum, humanitarianism, or charitable kindness. Instead, illegal immigration is blunt, all-out population warfare. Perhaps it is what no one is willing to say out loud. It is a racial war against white Americans. But Black Americans fail to recognize that Biden is replacing them with another racial group.

I do not often quote Michael Savage. But this quote was far too valid to overlook.


“The Biden administration is “destroying our identity as a nation” and essentially “erasing us,” according to conservative radio legend Michael Savage, who warned that U.S. borders are being “dissolved” and American culture “bastardized.”

The blunt truth of this is obvious.

I dare you to speak out against the overwhelming illegal migration actively facilitated by the corrupt Biden administration. You can count on being tarred, feathered, and labeled a racist or white supremacist.

Ninety-nine percent of the nearly 6.5 million migrants who have crossed into America since Joe Biden’s first day in the Whitehouse are so-called “People of Color.” So radical Democrats label disparaging comments about this massive illegal migration as hostile and racist. Let me be clear. The nation has always experienced illegal immigration. But never at this level and within this truncated period. Moreover, at no time has purposely distorted immigration policy placed a heavier economic and social burden on states, counties, cities, and towns than in the last two years.

But only part of the blame falls on these millions of non-Americans crossing illegally into the United States. They are simply responding to the perverse incentives offered by a delusional President who has turned immigration policy on its head.

How has America gone from the lowest number of illegal migrants entering the country in any given year (President Trump, 2020) to the highest daily, monthly, and yearly totals since Joe Biden assumed the Presidency?

You may also ask why millions come from 160 nations to our southern border seeking permanent residence in the United States. There is only one reason, one dominant and undeniable reason. President Joe Biden has invited anyone unhappy with their current circumstances to set out for the U.S. southern or northern borders and claim asylum.

For instance, Joe Biden made this statement at a Democratic Party’s Presidential primary debate on March 19, 2021.

“I would, in fact, make sure that there is… that we immediately surge to the border all those people seeking asylum… they deserve to be heard… that’s who we are… we’re a nation that says if you want to flee and you’re fleeing oppression, then you should come.”

This declaration was perhaps Joe Biden’s first signal that he would move to an “open borders” policy if elected. As president-elect, Biden sent the second signal in November 2021, calling for a 100-day “deportation moratorium.” From that day, the word went forth, especially to all the Mexican Human smuggling cartels, that Joe Biden would open the border to anyone claiming to be a refugee from harm and oppression.

Biden’s “let them all come in” immigration policy is one in a series of significant efforts by a Marxist-inspired Democratic Party to redistribute wealth from the middle class to those dependent on the government for nearly everything. This administration’s wholesale importation of penniless, under-educated, non-English Speaking, and largely under-skilled migrants aims to increase America’s “dependent” population.

Why would any administration attempt such a sinister and pernicious undertaking, you ask? Because dependent populations vote for administrations providing low-to-no-cost housing, free medical care, education, subsidized transportation, and utilities.

To usher in a new set of “open borders” policies, Joe Biden nominated Mr. Alejandro Mayorkas as his Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS) and charged him to craft a series of likely unlawful but effective pathways for migrants to enter America. In turn, Mayorkas, a radical zealot and pro-immigration activist, charged his DHS staff to find new and creative paths to open immigration to nearly anyone seeking permanent residence in the United States. Republican-led states would eventually challenge these illegal pathways in federal court as unconstitutional and violating the current Immigration and Naturalization Law.

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