Ants at the Picnic, Part One


by Robert Gore, Straight Line Logic:

Enough ants can kill an elephant . . . or a globalist conspiracy.

Bullets and blogs are the ants at the globalist picnic, and they may prove just as hard to eradicate. It’s a war between decentralized and centralized power, and it’s not a layup for the latter. At a picnic, you can spray pesticide to eradicate the ants, but it ruins the outing. Who wants to eat hamburgers and hot dogs that taste like Raid®? In like vein, globalist efforts to exterminate the ants may leave the world a smoking ruin.
At best, government is a protection racket that offers security to its citizens from external and internal violence and criminality at an acceptable cost. At worst, which is most of the time, the biggest threat of violence and criminality comes from government itself—extortion, fraud, theft, corruption, brutality, and murder.
Propelling Donald Trump’s insurgent candidacies in 2016 and 2020 was a critical mass of people who distrust and despise the Corruptocracy. That critical mass knows uniparty criminals are leading the country into a ditch and they threw a hand grenade into politics as usual.
What informed and fueled the critical mass? It wasn’t the legacy mainstream media, or MSM. Much has been made of Trump’s adept use of Twitter, and he certainly couldn’t have made his run without it. Less noted has been the role of the alternative media, or AM, although Trump wouldn’t have won without it, either. His election marked its ascendancy.
The overwhelming number of sites that let their political preferences be known favored Trump. The AM and his Twitter self-promotion gave him the only positive coverage he received. You certainly didn’t get the photos and videos of 70 or 80 thousand people at standing-room-only Trump rallies from your nightly news. Trump recognized the importance of the AM, plucking Steve Bannon from Breitbart to head his 2016 campaign.
As the counterweight to the MSM, it was natural for the AM to support the candidate they despised. Trump’s enemies were the AM’s enemies. The more vitriolic the entrenched elite and their media minions grew, the more vociferous became the AM’s support. There was an element of self-interest to it as well. Put Trump in the title of an article on your blog and it meant extra clicks and advertising dollars.
The AM’s influence reflects a lengthy evolution. Its genesis was the aftermath of John F. Kennedy’s assassination. If there had been bloggers back then, as soon as it was announced that Allen Dulles—whom Kennedy had fired as head of the CIA after the Bay of Pigs disaster—would be on the Warren Commission, they would have been screaming that the fix was in. At the time, that realization escaped the general public. although the fix was definitely in. However, a small band of skeptics plowed through 26 volumes of testimony and evidence, shredded the commission’s final report, and refused to accept its one-gunman conclusion.
It took the public release of Abraham Zapruder’s home movie of the assassination, the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1976, and Oliver Stone’s movie JFK in 1991 before a significant number of Americans questioned the Warren Commission narrative. That, plus the public’s rejection of the Vietnam War and its propaganda marked an emerging phenomenon in American life: significant challenges to government narratives. Now, of course, that’s the mission statement of the AM, but these were watersheds back then.
There will always be people who believe whatever the government and servile media dish out, but a graph of those institutions’ credibility the past few decades looks like the stock chart of a once dominant company gone bankrupt. The AM deserves much of the credit for that.
In the 1990s, the nascent AM challenged the nonstop Clinton administration lies about Ruby Ridge, Waco, Bill Clinton’s sexual escapades—both consensual and nonconsensual—and the many accidents, suicides, and murders that befell so many Clinton adversaries.
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