When War Comes – Part 1


    by 3AD Scout, Survival Blog:

    Just like before World Wars One and Two, the war drums are beating louder and louder. Politicians are also saying that they do not want war and war is unlikely, very much like they did in the United States before we entered both World War One and two. This article is intended to cut through the bull manure and present a very logical case that we are marching to another pivotal point in history, what life on the home front may look like and what you should be doing to prepare.

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    If you look at the history of both world wars in the 20th Century, the United States, by an act of Congress, declared the US neutral, but then we supplied only one side with arms, ammunition, and other supplies. It would seem insane to think we could do the same again with a different outcome. Often misattributed to Albert Einstein is the quote: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”


    Historically, America cannot stay out of Modern European wars. The US got involved in both world wars and let’s not forget getting involved in the Balkan war in the 1990s. The involvement of the US in the Balkan War in the 1990s was one of the first events that started the Russian elites to think NATO might spread east into former Soviet Republics, thus they saw NATO as a threat to the Russian homeland. At each point in history before the world wars, there was “saber-rattling” and debate as to what was going to happen. The wise prepared, while the unwise went on without a care in the world. Many of us who grew up in the Cold War saw movies that tended to portray World War Three as a sudden event with an all-out nuclear exchange. History tells us that wars have always kind of started with a “slow burn”, such as we see Russia and Ukraine battling it out with materiel support from others. As time goes on there will be a gradual escalation until someone makes a move with unintended consequences.

    If you remember back a few months, when a missile landed in Poland, the pucker factor increased. Ultimately the missile was found to be Ukrainian but if it were an errant missile of Russia origins there would have been repercussions that, at the very least, drew both sides closer to war at a quicker pace. I don’t think either side wants war with the other but as time passes without a winner, one side or their proxies will take a calculated risk to win, and it is these types of moves that inch us closer and closer to war. Not wanting war doesn’t mean not instigating war. Each side will push the envelope — not wanting a war, but neither side will turn and run either.


    The other point that we should consider is: Do you trust the clowns in DC? What we need to realize now is that both the GOP and DNC are in agreement on assisting Ukraine. The support is more about stemming Putin’s rule of the Russian Federation than “supporting” Ukraine. We have already heard cries for regime change by US officials. Putin might want to reach out to talk to Saddam Hussain to see how it worked out for him when the US wanted regime change in Iraq. Sure there are a few people in both parties that say they are against any more support for Ukraine but we also know how party leaders have a knack for bringing members back into the party fold. The clowns are also the same people who convinced themselves and others that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction that amounted to a threat. This was one of the largest most expensive intelligence blunders in US history and we act like it didn’t even happen. Well folks, when something works, you keep using it.


    We hear this, but oftentimes those saying it get dismissed with some label like anti-American or a conspiracy nut. But in his 1961 farewell address to the nation, President Eisenhower warned of the dangers of the military-industrial complex. He stated:

    “This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every statehouse, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources, and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.”

    We need to understand these words even more today as our defense industries rake in millions of dollars of sales and profits from arms sales to Ukraine. What congressman would speak out about industry adding good family-sustaining jobs in their district? None.


    When the mainstream media is in lockstep, look out. Just like the invasion of Iraq, the media will join in lockstep to march us into a war. Anyone who speaks out against supporting Ukraine will soon be deemed “Anti-American”, “A Commie Lover”, “A conspiracy theorist” and other negative names. None of the millions of loyal Democrats who put signs reading “Support Our Troops – Bring them Home Now” in their yards or on their car bumpers will do that for Biden’s war. We are also seeing more media attention focusing on China.

    Recently, a reporter from one of the mainstream media was on board a US Navy aircraft as it was flying in international waters, but over one of China’s man-made islands in the South China Sea that are militarized. The Chinese military hails the US aircraft telling it to leave Chinese airspace and then a Chinese military aircraft escorts the US Plane. These types of incidents are not new and are not uncommon. Putting the incidents on the evening “news” serves a propaganda purpose of changing the public’s opinion towards China. The establishment needs the US population to view China as an aggressor (which they are) so that the public will support the war effort.


    Considering the amount of “aid” that we have provided to Ukraine, it would be illogical to think that at some point the US and NATO will stop. Perhaps 20 years from now some president will hastily pull out, but the military-industrial complex got their profits. But it takes two to tango and Russia too has a considerable “investment” into their war as well. No one will be backing down anytime soon, in fact, the opposite will happen. As Russia gets more weapons from Iran and probably China, the US and NATO will be forced to increase the amount of aid and the lethality of the weapons being provided. Both sides have a big “investment” in the war and won’t just throw it away.

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