
    by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

    Do you remember the Keanu Reeves-Lawrence Fishburn movie The Matrix?

    If so you might recall that in the movie Reeves plays a character who “wakes up” from a long dream only to discover that the world in which he thought he lived was only a construct to keep him happy, and asleep, using his own body and life as a power source for a vast artificial intelligence and machine, along with millions of other humans so enslaved in gigantic “pod farms” syphoning off their energy. Reeves is awakened by Fishburn, and soon joins “real life” in a small community of humans resisting the make-believe world of the machine-run matrix, a world which, incidentally, was brought about by humans attempting to blot out the sun in an effort to deprive the machine of energy. The machine, of course, turned to the next best available energy source: humans themselves.

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    If you’re like me, then you were “creeped out” by the movie, and its disturbingly close sailing to the insanity prevailing in the real world. And if you thought about that business of humans in pods dreaming away their existence in a false artificial-intelligence-generated reality was a bit fanciful, then brace yourselves, and read the following two articles shared by V.T.:

    Scientists Want to Use People As Antennas to Power 6G

    Now, in case you missed it, here’s the gist of the plan from the second article:

    The downside of VLC comes from a high rate of “leakage” of energy with the emitting of side-channel radio wave signals. The researchers believe that if they can harvest the wasted radiofrequency (RF) energy, they can put it to good use by powering small electronic devices.

    Coupling the copper coils with VLC systems uses humans as antennas to power up the technology they use.

    “Ultimately,” Xiong says, “we want to be able to harvest waste energy from all sorts of sources in order to power future technology.”

    Notice that that is being talked about here is harvesting the energy from human bodies, there is absolutely no mention whatsoever in any recompense, fee payment, or even permission from the humans so encumbered with copper coils, and in a world where they already harvest your private and personal data without so much as a permission note or a dime in payment for doing so, this lack of such language in the “harvest” proposal is, I submit, both telling and profoundly disturbing.

    What we have here, in short, is yet another materialistic and consumer-culture-run-mad reductio of humanity to merely a “human resource”, an entity to be “harvested” rather than something sacred. We have the beginnings of The Matrix, in which everyone becomes merely an antenna in a system.

    The question is, for what purpose or to what end?

    I suspect, strongly, that even here the movie is not so much prophetic, but revelatory in the sense of a disclosure of the true and unstated intentions of the current “elite”, namely,  that they want to reduce humanity to the power source for their beast system, for their artificial intelligence, an intelligence every bit as coldly calculating and Luciferian as the Architect is in the movie.  Indeed, the specifically Christian eschatological overtones of the movie are there for all who have eyes to see and ears to hear to see and hear. And now, as seems to be happening more and more in this insane world, non-fiction once more appears to be catching up with the “fiction.”

    Read More @ GizaDeathStar.com