U.S. CONGRESS: A Khazarian-Controlled Global Crime Syndicate


    from State Of The Nation:

    The ever-treacherous Khazarian Cabal
    has painstakingly and stealthily installed
    the vast majority of members of Congress
    so that:

    The GOP-led House Proves Itself To Be Totally Worthless as RINOs Become Co-Conspirators in So Many Democrat Crime Sprees Committed Against the American People Especially Since Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama First Took Office

    TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

    Submitted by The Angry Patriot
    SOTN Exclusive

    Exactly what crime sprees is the utterly treasonous Democrat Party along with the traitorous RINOs (i.e. The Uniparty) guilty of?

    These crime sprees:

    • The COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ GENOCIDE sickening and slowly killing millions of Americans
    • The criminal conspiracy to create and cover-up the Zio-Anglo-American COVID-19 bioweapon released across the United States beginning January, 2020
    • The complex criminal conspiracy which perpetrated the outright theft and cover-up of the 2020 POTUS election
    • The constant enabling and financial support of the nationwide trans criminal conspiracy designed to irreparably tear the fabric of America society
    • The highly convoluted criminal conspiracy that both staged and covered up the so-called J6 insurrection whereby many innocent Patriots are illicitly imprisoned and falsely prosecuted
    • The intentional open border policy which permits millions of illegal aliens to unlawfully enter the USA, many of whom are terrorists, mercenaries, gang members, drug dealers, mules, released criminals, etc. whereupon entry, they receive benefits and assistance that even US citizens don’t receive
    • The deliberate destruction of America’s Criminal and Civil Justice Systems via the countless election thefts and numerous criminal conspiracies funded and supported by international crime kingpin George Soros which systematically corrupts DAs and State’s Attorneys (as well as Mayors and County Managers)
    • The carrying out of the patently fake “Russian collusion” criminal conspiracy and cover-up coordinated by the Democrat Party, FBI, DoJ and C.I.A. to effectuate a coup against a sitting POTUS
    • The launching of two fraudulent impeachments against President Trump for crime waves that were actually committed by Barack Obama, Hillary & Bill Clinton and Joe Biden among many other Democrat career criminals
    • The massive crime waves carried out by the Hunter & Joe Biden crime duo in both Ukraine and China up to this very day, most notably those involving bioweapon development and deployment particularly throughout Ukrainian territories.
    • The unlawful invasion of Syria (by Obama/Biden) and continued illegal occupation (Biden) which has seen the brazen theft of enormous amounts of oil from that sovereign nation
    • The repeated, systematic and unconscionable increases of the federal debt ceiling which have effectively bankrupted the United States of America

    Read More @ StateOfTheNation.co