‘The greatest crime against humanity’ in history: Naomi Wolf’s 11 revelations from Pfizer vaccine documents


    by Patrick Delaney, LifeSite News:

    ‘So, these are monsters, and there’s no way to avoid concluding that they’re focused on disrupting human reproduction,’ the author conceded about the manufacturers of the COVID jab. ‘It’s ‘a bioweapon and … we’re under attack.’

    In an extraordinary speech synthesizing several “headline” discoveries from analyses of thousands of Pfizer documents, Dr. Naomi Wolf presented how the COVID “vaccine” enterprise intentionally sought to not only “disrupt and impair human reproduction” but “attack” and “kill” large numbers of people, particularly in the West.

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    Wolf, a lifelong Democrat, addressed the conservative citadel of Hillsdale College in March, confessing that events over the last three years “truly imploded” her former world view and that what matters most now is “the Constitution, liberty and freedom.”

    The author and journalist who is also a co-founder and CEO of the Daily Clout explained how she and Steve Bannon of the War Room recruited 3,500 science and medical experts to help analyze tens of thousands of documents that Pfizer submitted to the FDA for use in evaluating the safety and effectiveness of their COVID injectables.

    The FDA had originally argued against their release in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit seeking to stall publication of the crucial safety data for up to 75 years, but this request was rejected by a Texas court and the first drop of documents were released on March 2, 2022.

    These 3,500 recruited experts were divided into six working groups with committees at the head of them to analyze the documents and create reports that would be accessible, and understandable, to the general public.

    And regarding these dozens of reports, Wolf apologized in advance for having to share that these Pfizer documents “contain evidence of the greatest crime against humanity in the history of our species.”

    Providing a summary of just “some of the things that came to light,” she highlighted the following 11 points:

    #1 Pfizer knew their gene-based injections had negative efficacy as early as November 2020

    At least as early as May 2021, five months after the rollout of the Pfizer gene-based injections, reports began to emerge of many “breakthrough cases” where fully jabbed celebrities and then the public at large were being inflicted with cases of COVID-19. By October, studies began to confirm the ineffectiveness of the shots, and then later, by January 2022, that those who were jabbed against COVID-19 were more likely to catch it.

    These findings continued to be confirmed in July 2022December 2022, and then in January as well.

    “Pfizer knew, for instance, one month after rollout, so that’s November of 2020, that the vaccines didn’t work to stop COVID!” she exclaimed.

    She recalled how during this period the full marketing of the product was in swing, with the celebrity spokespeople encouraging all to get the shot. “The ads are in social media, the ads are on television” and “a month after rollout, Pfizer’s internal documents identify that its vaccines have vaccine failure and failure of efficacy. And they identify that the third most common side effect of the Pfizer vaccine is … COVID!”

    #2 Shortly after release of the COVID injections on the market, Pfizer moved to hire 2,400 full-time employees to process the paperwork of the injured.

    In a January 2021 white paper analyzing the new COVID “vaccines,” America’s Frontline Doctors observed how and why the safety of such an intervention had to be assured before its being used, especially on a global population.

    “In contrast to taking a medication for an actual disease,” they explained, “the person who takes a vaccine is typically completely healthy and would continue to be healthy without the vaccine. As the first rule of the Hippocratic Oath is: do no harm, vaccine safety must be guaranteed. That has not yet happened,” they observed at the time.

    In her group’s examination of the Pfizer documents, Wolf declared that what was “stunning” is that around this same time, “within a month or two [of vaccine rollout], Pfizer was getting so many reports of adverse events [AEs] — meaning bad things happening to people who had been injected — that they understood they needed to hire 2,400 full-time staffers in order simply to process the paperwork” of these injuries. They also knew this was necessary “to prepare for the flood of adverse events that they knew they would get in the near future.”

    Of course, many months later, evidence reveals correlations of the shot mandates with enormous increases in younger excess deaths and disabled workers, which in the United States equates to those under age 50 who took the shots having a 49% higher mortality rate, including all categories of the jabbed suffering a 26% increase. All of this results in about 600,000 excess deaths per year and a historic decline in life expectancy.

    #3 Pfizer and the FDA withheld information that the shots cause heart damage in youth for four months while an aggressive propaganda campaign drove many thousands to get injected.

    “Pfizer knew in May of 2021 that the vaccines had caused heart damage in 35 minors within a week after the injection,” Wolf explained. This information was known by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as well, as the documents were in their possession.

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