The Evil That ‘Leads’ America Is Destroying Us As They Work With China To Bring In The ‘New World Order’ With The ‘Biden Crime Cabal’ Working Towards That Treasonous Goal With Full Fervor


    by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

    The above image has been used in a number of recent stories about how it appears the death of the New World Order is upon us.  Not so fast there Barbarelli; that paints a nice picture, but is it accurate?  They all claim in one way or another that there has been a paradigm shift away from that tyrannical and truly evil concept; that the ruling class has lost their real power; that the waning of it is apparent as the United States surrenders its absolute control over the world and its governments; that the world domineering power of Communist China has taken over as the new Global World Order.  I will acknowledge that it does indeed appear as if that were the case, and although this column is about how appearances on the subject are often confusing or deceitful, I do not believe at all that the New World Order is dying.  Yes, I am talking about the elitist’s structure of absolute control and despotic tyranny, about the Agenda 2030 goals and so forth.  Please allow me to explain if I may.

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    The Great Reset.  I have written a number of columns on this before, so to restate it in simple terms let me quote from Fox News; “a growing movement backed by many of the world’s most powerful business leaders, government officials and left-wing activists that aims to “push the reset button” on the global economy.  (I)t would destroy the current capitalist system and replace it with progressive and modern socialist systems, with a special emphasis placed on eco-socialist policies like those contained in the Green New Deal.”  So in other words it is a worldwide communist revolution.  Keep that in mind as we continue as it is central to the end ideas. 

    In this new world order it is the BRICS nations that seem to be doing the hard pushing as they are the ones doing the bidding of China and its CPP communist revolutionaries pushing their brand of hegemony on the world supposedly as an alternative to the US and its decades long stranglehold on world power, both economically and militarily using both to meet its aims politically.  I will not be going into all of the various nations we have destroyed, all of the various leaders we have assassinated or deposed, all of the various “wars” (called policing actions in most cases) we have started and fought in whether outright or secretly, all of the terrorist groups and action we have engaged in, as that would take a number of books worth of information to do correctly.  The CCP is doing its best to emulate exactly what we taught them to do. Remember that the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) is an American installed system just as Russia’s is under the leadership of those same societies that form the New World Order.  Please understand this one point; ALL of this is under the SAME PEOPLE and groups; they rule the earth under Satan’s grip.  When Deutsche Welle wrote about this recently and noted that “Maihold of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs agrees. He said the BRICS alliance is not so much a counter to the West but more a forum for increased sovereign and autonomous thought…. China, on the other hand, is using the platform for its global political ambitions.

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