The Cattlemen Lied – mRNA In Our Food?


    by Tom Renz, Esq., America Outloud:

    Today I posted a video on my Twitter feed along with a press release from the National Cattlemen’s Association. The press release states that mRNA is not being used in cows. The video is of a lobbyist representing the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association stating that he inoculated his own cows with mRNA gene therapy vaccines but has no idea what they are. Who’s lying, folks?

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    More importantly, if they are not doing this, why would they oppose a transparency and disclosure bill like Missouri HB1169?

    The GOP in Missouri has said they are willing to work on this bill in good faith now, so I’m watching (trust but verify). I am hoping people give them the opportunity to do the right thing. That said, they need to do it quickly. There is room for some minor changes to the 2-page bill that would allow it to remain effective, but it needs to be done soon to keep people safe.

    We now know, thanks to the documents I’ve uncovered and posted on my Twitter feed (@RenzTom) and in my Substack (, that vaccines in milk can be transmissible. That does not mean that all vaccines are transmissible, nor does it mean that it is happening in every vaccinated cow. That said, China definitely has the capacity to do it, and since we removed country of origin labeling from food, who knows whether you are getting food with transmissible gene therapies from China or something clean from elsewhere?

    At this point, we simply must pass legislation to protect informed consent and to require disclosure. Bills similar to Missouri HB1169 need to be introduced in every state and nationally.

    Bill Gates is pushing for factory meats, and factory meats can be designed as gene therapies without having to use a vaccine on them, which means they would fall through a loophole in the laws.

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