Quietly Published Pfizer Documents confirm between 82% & 97% of COVID Vaccinated Pregnant Women sadly lost their baby during the ongoing Clinical Trial


    by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

    The confidential Pfizer documents that the FDA have been forced to publish by court order reveal that 82% to 97% of women who were mistakenly exposed to the mRNA Covid-19 injection either suffered a miscarriage or suffered having to witness the death of their newborn child upon giving birth.

    But Pfizer falsely claimed – “There were no safety signals that emerged from the review of these cases of use in pregnancy”.

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    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years despite approving the injection after only 108 days of safety review on December 11th, 2020.

    But in early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered them to release 55,000 pages per month. They released 12,000 pages by the end of January.

    Since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents on its website.

    One of the documents contained in the data dump is ‘reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf’. Page 12 of the confidential document contains data on the use of the Pfizer Covid-19 injection in pregnancy and lactation.

    Pfizer claim in the document that by 28th February 2021 there were 270 known cases of exposure to the mRNA injection during pregnancy.

    One-hundred-and-forty-six of those mother cases did not immediately report the immediate occurrence of any clinical adverse event. But 124 of the 270 mother cases did. Meaning 46% of the mothers exposed to the Pfizer Covid-19 injection suffered an adverse reaction.

    Of those 124 mothers suffering an adverse reaction, 49 were considered non-serious adverse reactions, whereas 75 were considered serious. This means 58% of the mothers who reported suffering adverse reactions suffered a serious adverse event ranging from uterine contraction to foetal death.

    A total of 4 serious foetus/baby cases were reported due to exposure to the Pfizer injection. The 4 serious cases involved the following events –

    • Foetal growth restriction x2
    • Premature baby x2
    • Neonatal Death x1

    But here’s where things get rather concerning. Pfizer state that of the 270 pregnancies they have absolutely no idea what happened in 238 of them.

    But here are the known outcomes of the remaining pregnancies –

    • Spontaneous Abortion (miscarriage) x23,
    • Outcome pending x5,
    • Premature baby with neonatal death x 2,
    • Spontaneous Abortion with intrauterine death x2,
    • Spontaneous Abortion with neonatal death x 1
    • Normal outcome x1

    There were 34 outcomes altogether at the time of the report, but 5 of them were still pending. Pfizer note that only 1 of the 29 known outcomes were normal, whilst 28 of the 29 outcomes resulted in the loss/death of the baby. This equates to 97% of all known outcomes of Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy resulting in the loss of the child.

    When we include the 5 cases where the outcome was still pending it equates to 82% of all outcomes of Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy resulting in the loss of the child. This equates to an average of around 90% between the 82% and 97% figure.

    That 82% figure is, however, very interesting when we consider the outcome of another study conducted by the Centers for Disease Controls V-Safe COVID-19 Pregnancy Registry Team. A study that was used to justify not just offering, but harassing pregnant women to get the Covid-19 injection in the UK.

    We exclusively revealed in July 2021 how data had been manipulated by scientists carrying out a real world study for the CDC to show that Covid-19 vaccines were safe for use during pregnancy.

    The authors claimed that the number of people to suffer a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) during the study was 104 out of 827 completed pregnancies, equating the risk of miscarriage at 12.6%; 7 – 12% lower than the risk of miscarriage in the general population.

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