Part 2: EUA Has FINALLY Ended…But, Wait, Not So Fast


by Maryam Henein, The Tenpenny Report:

In continuing from Part 1 of this article, the point here is that EUA not only cuts corners for Big Pharma but also offers immunity from liability against experimental ‘therapies.’ These emergency declarations afford the federal government the flexibility to waive or modify specific requirements in a range of other areas. They also allow the authorization of medical countermeasures and provide liability immunity to providers who administer services, among other things.


And so in 2020, they busted out their toxic hand sanitizers, put X’s and stickers on the ground, forced people to wear masks, erected pop-up tents, and nostril-raped millions with PCR tests with cycle thresholds cranked up, indoctrinating them into the Cult of Covid.

And then on Aug 24, 2021, the FDA approved the first-ever COVID-19 “vaccine,” to jab the masses. Remember they needed to literally change the definition of ‘vaccine’ versus being honest, and admitting that they were testing a never-before MRNA technology. In this Post-Rona world, humans have replaced lab rats.

cOver the last two years, the Biden Administration has effectively implemented the largest adult vaccination program in US history, with nearly 270 million Americans receiving at least one shot of a COVID-19 “vaccine.”

They were ALL under EUA. Experimental. Not FDA approved.

Overall, there has been no real review or scrutiny of the EUA processes. In September 2022, despite little press or fanfare, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Inspector General (IG) published a 51-page report titled FDA Repeatedly Adapted Emergency Use Authorization Policies To Address the Need for COVID-19 Testing.

The IG reviewed the EUA processes and concluded that the FDA repeatedly adapted the EUA to “help ensure that the nation’s COVID-19 testing needs were met,” but that as a result, test quality was compromised.

Did anything change? Nope.

Making Sense Of The Mumbo Jumbo

If you read the fine print over and over again, you’ll conclude that the Administration has paved the way for EUAs for Covid-19 products like “vaccines” to continue. They purposely left it open-ended. And indeed on Apr 14, 2023, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra announced that in the coming weeks, he will issue an amendment to the declaration under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act for medical countermeasures against COVID-19.

“In the month remaining before the end of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) declared under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act, HHS will continue to work closely with its partners, including governors, state, local, tribal, and territorial agencies, industry, and advocates to ensure an orderly transition.”

Becerra claims there needs to be a reasonable period to allow for proper dispositioning and to also provide notice and information to “all impacted stakeholders.”

Therefore “the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency alone does not automatically terminate PREP Act coverage for countermeasures.” If the EUA declaration is terminated, a notice will be published in the Federal Register.

The HHS states:

“Even once vaccines, tests, and treatments move away from being distributed under a USG agreement as they transition to traditional pathways for procurement, distribution, and payment, PREP Act coverage will not automatically terminate in all instances. Rather, the duration of PREP Act coverage for COVID-19 countermeasures will be determined by the terms of the PREP Act declaration in place at the time.”

Importantly, the ending of the public health emergency declared by HHS under the PHS Act will not impact FDA’s ability to authorize devices (including tests), treatments, or vaccines for emergency use. Existing emergency use authorizations (EUAs) for products will remain in effect and the agency may continue to issue new EUAs going forward when the criteria for issuance are met.

If you want to try to make sense of the madness yourself, read the fact sheet: HHS Announces Intent to Amend the Declaration Under the PREP Act for Medical Countermeasures Against COVID-19

Unless I’m reading it incorrectly, the immunity from the EUA lasts until 2024, giving Big Harma plenty of time to create a new emergency. I’d venture to say the true intent is, through emergency after emergency, perpetually provide Americans with only EUA vaccines, which come with a bulletproof liability waiver through the PREP Act that the licensed vaccines do not have. Today these non-FDA-approved jabs are on kids’ vaccine schedules. Thus, Big Pharma is protected against the spectrum/recipients in perpetuity.

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