
    from State Of The Nation:

    Clearly, Tucker Carlson was just fired after FOX News was forced to settle the Dominion lawsuit for $787.5 million.

    No, Tucker was summarily dismissed because of the radioactive J6 video he aired of the ‘QAnon Shaman’ being  escorted around the Capitol by Capitol Police and other law enforcement officers.

    No, that’s not it, Carlson was let go be cause he would not let go of the scientifically proven case which confirmed that Joe Biden outright stole the 2020 POTUS election.

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    Oh NO, NO, NO! Tucker was obviously knocked off his high perch as the most successful political commentator in U.S. history because of his constant revelations about America’s predatory oligarchy and kleptocratic plutocracy.

    Surely that’s not what really happened, for Tucker Carlson was discharged from his duties at FOX because of his recent dire warning about: “Senate Bill 686, The Restrict Act, Framed Around TikTok But Focused on Domestic Online Censorship” (Video).

    Okay, then, maybe the Tuck was sacked because of his epic monologue on “Trans Terrorism” which is targeting Christians across the USA.

    Or, perhaps Carlson was removed from his huge MSM platform because he was effectively exposing the nefarious agenda behind digital currency.

    How about this: Tucker was released from his FOX News contract because he was brilliantly highlighting the Ukraine War as an unparalleled warmongering catastrophe and humanitarian disaster and political scandal and economic debacle and financial fiasco and international calamity and European cataclysm, etc., etc. etc.  BINGO ! ! ! 

    Make no mistake: Tucker Carlson crossed every line ever drawn in the sand by the Khazarian-controlled CIA’s Mockingbird Media; however, there is one line the Neocon Zionist ownership of FOX News would never permit him to cross.  For when the Neocons want war — any war — they get their war no matter what the cost in blood and treasure for the American Republic.

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