From the start, they lied about the “pandemic of the unvaccinated”


    by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths:

    No surprise here, but more evidence is always nice. This time it comes from the state of Maryland.

    In summer 2021, Democratic politicians and public health bureaucrats insisted only unvaccinated people were being hospitalized with or dying from Covid.

    “This is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” Centers for Disease Control director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said on July 16, 2021.

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    “Unvaccinated Americans account for virtually all recent COVID-19 hospitalizations,” Jeff Zients, the White House COVID-19 response coordinator, told NPR the same day.

    “It’s really an outbreak among the unvaccinated,” Dr. Anthony S. Fauci told CNN nine days later.

    No wonder that on Sept. 9, President Biden announced, “This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated” as he promised “a new plan to require more Americans to be vaccinated.”

    Require? Yep, require.

    After all, it was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

    Only it wasn’t.

    Not even then.

    As early as June 2021 – less than six months after mRNA jabs began, less than five months after anyone could be considered fully vaccinated – a significant fraction of people hospitalized with Covid had been jabbed.

    These days, of course, almost everyone hospitalized for Covid has been jabbed, though the figures are tough to come by. They’re buried deep on state health department Websites or in Excel files that must be downloaded and examined.

    But they’re not impossible to find. The media simply refused to report them, because they would have raised questions about how well the shots worked.

    From time to time, though, they pop up. A reader directed me to the state of Maryland’s Website. Unusually, Maryland openly reveals the actual number of hospitalizations by vaccination status – rather than a “rate ratio” that depends on several dubious assumptions.

    The Maryland data could not be clearer. Nearly everyone who has been hospitalized for the last year has been vaccinated. The jabs have failed.

    (Yellow wins, vaccines lose)


    But that’s not the (most) interesting fact on this graph. Unless you’ve been asleep the last 18 months, you already knew the vaccines do not work about Omicron.

    The most interesting fact is when they started to fail:

    Yes, in July 2021, as the United States government told Americans that two mRNA shots provided near-total protection from Covid, more than one in five people hospitalized with Covid in Maryland was “fully vaccinated.” (In June the figure was 18 percent.)

    Did public health officials like Dr. Fauci know the real numbers?

    If not, they should have. After all, the National Institutes of Health – where Dr. Fauci worked for more than 40 years – is headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland.

    Worse, Maryland’s 20 percent “fully vaccinated” hospitalization figure for July 2021 is a significant underestimate, since Maryland systematically misclassified vaccinated people as unvaccinated.

    This is not a conspiracy theory. As Maryland itself explains:

    Identification of post-vaccination infections requires that vaccination data be reported to the state immunization registry and… be matched to the SARS-CoV-2 test result. Therefore, post-vaccination infections may be undercounted.

    This problem was not unique to Maryland, or 2021.

    Every state had and has a similar issue. As Massachusetts put it last year: The number of cases in vaccinated people may be undercounted due to…. an inability to match records across systems.

    Other countries were more careful, classifying people as unknown when their vaccination status was, well, unknown.

    Read More @ alexberenson.substack