Evidence ‘The Coup’ Over America Happened Decades Ago And Was Nailed Into Place By The COVID-19 Bioweapon Attack That Allowed Massive Mail In Voting Fraud In The 2020 Election


    by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

    According to former Texas Congressman Ron Paul as he warns in this linked Liberty Daily video‘the coup’ over America didn’t happen during joe biden’s 2020 election steal but actually took place long, long ago, with Paul arguing ‘the coup‘ actually took place all the way back on November 22nd of 1963the day the government of the United States of America assassinated John F. Kennedy according to Dr. Paul.

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    Warning in the video that while everybody in the MSM, (and therefore most of America since the ‘independent media‘ didn’t exist back then as it does now,) was talking about Lee Harvey Oswald, ‘the CIA got him,’ none of us should be the least bit surprised by Dr. Paul’s warnings with alarming proof that the CIA has made a habit of carrying out government coup’s all across the planet, so why not here in the USA? As even the Washington Post had reported back in 2016the US govt via the ‘deep state’ attempted to change the government’s of other countries AT LEAST 72 times during the Cold War.

    And while I have argued in several stories on ANP that ‘the coup‘ got a rather large bump in 2019 when the ‘deep state‘ manufactured then released the COVID-19 bioweapon upon America and the world, thus encouraging massive mail-in voting fraud by scaring Americans into staying inside their homes while pushing a ‘vote by mail‘ scheme that allowed China to get their ‘favorite son‘ joe biden into office, James Howard Kunstler argues in his blog Americans should be fully prepared for disorder and chaos in the coming days.

    With James bringing up ‘the leak‘ within that story which the mainstream media immediately jumped all over, blaming it upon a US Army private and a Discord server, James had accurately pointed out that all of this ‘intelligence flap‘ was happening at the same time as folks in Congress were attempting to pass a new law into place, the RESTRICT Act, which this alarming story over at Citizen.News warns would allow rogue government to seize control over your self-driving vehicle and drive you off a cliff to “mitigate” risk to the government in one alarming scenario.

    And while that might sound completely far-fetched and out of the realm of possibility, ANP reader ‘Joejoe’ left an interesting comment on this linked story yesterday morning that rings all too true in this day and age we’re living in: “Big government always strives to grow and control everything until finally it reaches to the point of mass genocide and then it destroys itself.”

    With that comment by ‘Joejoe‘ echoing an equally astute comment from ‘Bart’s Bantering that according to MonkeyWerx in a must watch video to understand what the feds are now doing to us, “they are prepping for absolute tyranny – worse than Russia/ Nazi Germany/ anyone else in history,” we’ve long argued Americans would already be living under absolute tyranny if it wasn’t for the 2nd Amendment.

    As Susan Duclos argued back on August 25th of 2021 in this linked story titled The Only Reason Patriots Aren’t Being Marched Off To The Ovens Right Now Is Americans Are Heavily Armed – That’s The Difference Between The Tyranny In Australia And The Wannabe Dictators In America – We The American People Have Not Allowed Liberals to Disarm Us,” if it wasn’t for the 2nd Amendment and Americans owning 450 million+ guns, who’d put it past them ‘rounding us all up and incinerating us?

    So while we fully expect that if we stay on the path we’re now being herded down, very dark things lay ahead for us, we’ll come back to the conclusion of Joejoe’s comment since we’re now witnessing what resembles government-sponsored genocide being carried out before our eyes, “and then it destroys itself.” Simply put, America’s Founding Fathers ensured there should NEVER be a ‘safe space’ for TYRANNY in America.

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