‘Cover-up’: Where’s the Nashville ‘trans’ mass-murderer’s manifesto?


    from WND:

    ‘Clearly seems to be at least some political pressure not to seek the disclosure’

    As millions of Americans wonder why the “manifesto” of Audrey Hale, the “trans”-identified mass-murderer of three children and three adults at a Nashville Christian elementary school, has not been released to the public, one “honest liberal” journalist is trying to do something about it.

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    Glenn Greenwald, the free-speech-crusading homosexual man of the left who regularly pillories the Democrat-subservient corporate media, said he is trying to hire a lawyer to pry the “manifesto” from the government’s hands. Why? Because the public deserves to know what motivated Hale to commit what, in liberal media jargon, has all the characteristics of an anti-Christian “hate crime.”

    Read More @ WND.com