Climate Change. Abortion. What Are the Evil Bastards Really Up To?


    by Tom Harris, America Outloud:

    It should seriously concern all pro-lifers that the abortion industry is now allying itself with the powerful and heavily funded climate alarmist movement that has hijacked institutions across the Western world. The Virginia-based Population Research Institute tells us about this sinister connection in their important video, “Climate Change is an Excuse for Abortion.” They warn:

    “Climate crisis advocates blame human activity as the leading cause for climate change. So why not push for global access to abortion and contraception under the guise of climate activism to address the source of all climate change – humanity? This is precisely what the abortion industry has attempted to do. …”

    Population Research Institute explains how pro-abortion activists are now attempting to:

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    “rebrand the movement as a champion of a movement now at the forefront of agendas across the world: Climate Change.

    “…They [abortion advocates] claim that an inevitable and necessary step to combat climate change is with family planning… it has empowered them to make their population control agenda more relevant by means of embedding fear through climate crisis theory and claiming their movement as the solution.”

    As I described in “Using the Climate Change Scare to Promote Abortion,” broad-spread access to abortion is now also being pushed by climate alarmists to supposedly help “stop climate change,” an entirely impossible goal, of course.

    Consequently, the pro-life movement needs to learn enough basic climate science to be able to show that the climate scare is unjustified — it is not based on empirical evidence of what is actually happening in the real world. As can be seen in the following graph, the climate alarm is a fantasy based on computerized climate models that make temperature rise forecasts that have been a triple reality.

    In presenting the above graph, Dr. Craig D. Idso Chairman, Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, presented said,

    “Each of the red bars on this graphic shows warming that should have occurred in the tropical upper troposphere over the period 1979 – 2017, as predicted by simulations from 102 different climate models. The average predicted warming rate over this nearly four-decade-long period, as shown by the black horizontal dashed line, is 0.44°C per decade. In contrast, satellite measurements shown in blue reveal that the actual warming rate is three times smaller than that predicted by the models.”

    In part 2 of this series, “How Pro-Lifers Can Fight the Climate Scare Threatening Their Movement,” I explained further how to contest the mistaken idea that the rise in so-called “global average temperature” is of concern. In “Increased Access to Abortion Will NOT Stop Climate Change,” part 3 of the series, I demonstrated how to defeat the extreme weather, flooding and wildfire arguments used by climate activists. In this, the fourth and final installment, I will show how to debunk concerns about sea level rise and explain how our emissions of carbon dioxide are benefitting life on Earth!

    No Need for Concern About Sea Level

    Sea level has been rising since the end of the last glacial period, 15,000 years ago. 8,000 years ago, the sea level was rising ten times faster than today due to the large volume of ice that had yet to melt and the expansion of seawater due to the rapid warming that was occurring at the time.

    In Figure 1 below, we see that the oceans have risen only about nine inches in the last 140 years, a rise equal to the thickness of several pieces of paper per year. Reliable satellite data of the last forty years confirms this rise of about one to two millimeters per year before any complex adjustments are made.

    It is relatively simple to compensate for such a modest sea level rise with appropriate adaptation measures.

    Gregory Wrightstone, Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition, presented the following graphs at a September 21, 2021, seminar that demonstrate that sea level rise at six of the world’s largest cities is nothing unusual, merely slow and steady, as one would expect during a gradually warming period:

    In “Biden Killing America’s Energy Security With Sea Level Hysteria,” a June 22, 2021, America Out Loud article by the late Dr. Jay Lehr and myself, we explained that melting sea ice does not cause the ocean levels to rise:

    “When water starts to freeze, it expands, becoming 10% less dense and floats upon the water that made it up. When the ice melts back into the water, it shrinks by the same 10 percent. So, when sea ice melts, the 10 percent floating above the water combines with the 90 percent under the water, occupying the same original water volume.”

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