Chris Hipkins Does Not Know What a Woman Is


    from Moonbattery:

    The Western world, especially the English-speaking part, is collectively insane.

    It was great news when the tyrannical moonbat Jacinda Ardern stepped down as Prime Minister of New Zealand. However, her Labour Party replacement does not look like an improvement. Watch and laugh as Chris Hipkins attempts to define a woman for reporter Sean Plunket:

    If only he were a Woman of Color, that answer would have qualified him to serve on the US Supreme Court.

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    Via National File:

    When further pressed by the reporter, and directly asked whether or not women have penises, Hipkins again failed to provide an answer and even told the reporter that such a question would require him to “pre-formulate” an answer, something he hadn’t done before the press conference because he “wasn’t expecting” to be asked whether or not women have penises.

    At least he knows what thoughtcrime is, and that it must be suppressed:

    “Well, as I’ve, I think, as I’ve just indicated I wasn’t expecting that question, so it’s not something that I’ve, um, you know, formulated, pre-formulated an answer on,” Hipkins said, before going on to attack Posie Parker, a well-known British women’s rights activist and so-called TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist), calling her view that “gender,” more accurately called biological sex, is binary and determined at birth, “abhorrent.”

    In Auckland recently, Posie Parker (a.k.a. Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull) was physically menaced and prevented from speaking by transsexual maniacs during her “Let Women Speak” tour:

    Good thing her safety was not directly in the hands of Chris Hipkins.

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