Bird Flu Scare Narrative Ramps Up


    by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

    • Considering global biosecurity is one of the primary tactics chosen to usher in a totalitarian One World Government, it’s clear that more pandemics are in our future, and a weaponized bird flu seems likely
    • Historically, natural avian influenza (H5N1) never posed a threat to mankind, but scientists have created a hybrid with human pandemic potential
    • If we do end up with a lethal human bird flu, there’s every reason to suspect it was manmade. There’s also every reason to suspect a bird flu vaccine will be either ineffective, hazardous or both

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    • H5N1 (bird flu) is now affecting mammals at a rate not previously seen, including skunks, bears, seals, foxes, minks and even dolphins. The infection is also spreading between mammals. This is a new development that has scientists worried. If the virus is mutating (or being mutated) to spread among mammals, the jump to humans may not be far behind
    • Already, the U.S. and other countries are stockpiling H5N1 vaccine “just in case.” While some traditional vaccines are in the lineup, mRNA shots tweaked to target H5N1 are also being planned, and they probably won’t need to undergo additional testing over and beyond what was done for the COVID jabs

    Bird flu has always been a fraud, which is why I wrote my New York Times best-selling book “The Great Bird Flu Hoax,” nearly 15 years ago. President George Bush spent over $7 billion dollars and warned that more than 2 million Americans could die.1 The reality is that no one in the U.S. died from bird flu.

    Fast forward 15 years, and now global biosecurity is one of the primary tactics chosen to usher in a totalitarian One World Government, so more pandemics are undoubtedly in our future. In the spring of 2022, Bill Gates warned that another pandemic will emerge, and that this yet-to-come pandemic “will get attention this time.”2

    Based on the news chatter emerging right now, a weaponized bird flu seems likely. In a March 30, 2022, CenterPoint interview, former director for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Robert Redfield, more than hinted at this possibility, saying:3

    “I believe the great pandemic is still in the future, and that’s going to be a bird flu pandemic for man. It’s going to have significant mortality in the 10-50% range. It’s gonna be trouble.”

    Avian Flu Posed No Threat Until Scientists Weaponized It

    Historically, natural avian influenza (H5N1) never posed a threat to mankind, but then scientists started tinkering with it, creating a hybrid with human pandemic potential.4 Some of that research has been undertaken in Pentagon-funded biolabs in Ukraine.5,6,7

    Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) have also funded gain-of-function research on H5N1.8 One scientist whose work on H5N1 has been funded by both Fauci and Gates is Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka.9

    In one experiment, Kawaoka mixed bird flu virus with the Spanish flu virus, resulting in a highly lethal respiratory virus with human transmission capability. Kawaoka has also played around with mixtures of H5N1 and the 2009 H1N1 (swine flu) virus, creating an airborne hybrid10,11,12 capable of evading the human immune system, effectively rendering humans defenseless against it,13 and this extremely risky research was done at a biosafety level 2 lab!14

    Fauci also funded the work of virologist Ron Fouchier, a Dutch researcher whose team created an airborne version of the bird flu using a combination of genetic engineering and serial infection of ferrets.15 So, the bird flu has been manipulated and tinkered with in a variety of different ways, making it both airborne (which it was not initially) and capable of cross-species infection.

    In 2012, the work of Kawaoka and Fouchier sparked widespread concern about gain-of-function research, as it was readily recognized that it could accidentally cause a human pandemic.16,17

    As a result, the U.S. government issued a temporary ban on gain-of-function research on certain viruses in 2014, which remained in place until December 2017.18 We now know this ban was circumvented by Fauci, who continued to fund gain-of-function research on coronaviruses in China during those years.

    It now looks as though weaponized bird flu might eventually be released to achieve the geopolitical aims of the technocratic cabal that is trying to give the World Health Organization a monopoly on pandemic decision-making.

    Bird flu is widespread among poultry and wild birds19 in the U.S.,20 but the natural virus is not very transmissible or lethal to humans. So, if we do end up with a lethal human bird flu, there’s every reason to suspect it was manmade. There’s also every reason to suspect a bird flu vaccine will be either ineffective, hazardous or both.

    Bird Flu Has Spread to Mammals

    According to a February 9, 2023, ABC News report,21 H5N1 (bird flu) is also affecting mammals at a rate not previously seen, including skunks, bears, seals, foxes, minks and even dolphins. University of Massachusetts Boston virologist Nichola Hill told ABC News:

    “The size, range and number of species affected by this outbreak is unprecedented … That’s not really how bird flu should behave.”

    While sporadic infections among mammals have been reported for 20 years, the virus now appears to be spreading between mammals, as opposed to being limited to individual mammals being infected from eating an infected bird.

    This is a brand-new development that has scientists worried. If the virus is mutating (or being mutated) to spread among mammals, the jump to humans may not be far behind.

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