by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:
- Alex Jones, host of “The Alex Jones Show” and founder of, was one of the first to be targeted for massive censorship. As of August 2018, he’d already been uniformly removed from Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter. They all targeted and deplatformed him within days of each other
- Continuing his effort to alert people to the global enslavement agenda, Jones wrote “The Great Reset: And the War for the World.” The book details how the takeover began, how it’s being implemented, and to what end
- The world is at a crossroads right now. The decision to be made is whether we’re going to have a pro-human future, or a transhumanist technocracy, a biomedical tyranny, under which you have no rights whatsoever
- Jones traces the beginning of the desire for a global totalitarian regime all the way back to Plato, who in “The Republic” expressed the idea that the poor ought to be killed off, and a race with elite characteristics be bred
- British economist Thomas Robert Malthus proposed exterminating poor people 300 years ago by crowding and disease in order to prevent overpopulation. Malthus was heavily funded by the British royal family and the Rothschilds, who together with the Rockefellers, developed most of the modern sciences. His ideas continued down through Sir Francis Galton, who developed modern eugenics, and Bill Gates
In this video, I interview Alex Jones, host of “The Alex Jones Show” and founder of, about his new book, “The Great Reset: And the War for the World.” Jones was one of the first to be targeted for massive censorship.
As of August 2018, he’d already been uniformly removed from Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter. They all targeted and deplatformed him within days of each other. Of course, the following summer, I and hundreds of other sites, were similarly removed. Jones was the first, though, and he had a massive audience, being one of the top 1,000 most-visited websites in the world, not just the U.S.
Censorship Through ‘Lawfare’
In all, more than 50 lawsuits have been filed against him, in two different jurisdictions. In the video above, Russel Brand provides a solid summary of events to date. As noted by Jones, “It’s simply historic what’s happening.” As you might expect, he’s spent millions of dollars defending his right to free speech, and recently filed for bankruptcy protection.
“It’s their plan to shut us down,” he says. “I’m not worried about myself. I want to keep Infowars on the air as long as possible, but we’ve been vindicated. The New World Order is here. Global government is here. The depopulation agenda, the force inoculation hell, the open borders, the devaluation of currency — all of it is already here. And so, I’m just a symptom of the disease, and the fact that they want to shut everybody down …
The lawyers for these people … [have] said, ‘It is our mission to silence him, and shut him down with the biggest judgments we can get. We want him off air.’
So just a few years ago, it would be heresy to say, ‘We want to silence someone,’ but that’s the point of this suit. Now, they openly say it is to destroy us. And they have said on CNN, and MSNBC, ‘Next is Tucker Carlson. Next is Joe Rogan. Next is everybody else.'”
The Great Reset Is a War for Global Domination
Continuing his effort to alert people to the global enslavement agenda, Jones wrote “The Great Reset: And the War for the World.” “I went with this title, because the globalists are in a war for the world, a planetary government, a total takeover,” he says.
It’s basically a compilation of Jones’ notes, documents and recordings to illustrate how the takeover began, how it’s being implemented, and to what end. Like Jones, I believe the people of the world are at a crossroads right now. The decision to be made is whether we’re going to have a pro-human future, or a transhumanist technocracy, a biomedical tyranny, under which you have no rights whatsoever.
“It covers every aspect of the Great Reset. And it’s full of quotes, and statements, and documents. In fact, every statement in the book is backed up by their admissions.
That’s what’s incredible; this takeover of the planet by mega corporations, and this attempt to capture the human species and turn us into [something] like factory farmed humans that they control and program — this Brave New World 2.0 — is out in the open.
That’s why the book is so important. I liken it to the plans to the Death Star. This is their plan. This is their blueprint. This is their playbook. And if you understand this, then you’ve got a major leg up against this takeover,” he says.
“Now, they physically want control of our bodies with this whole biomedical tyranny. That’s what’s so incredible about Klaus Schwab, and [professor Yuval Noah] Harari and all these other people that we quote — they are admitting their plan to have a scientific revolution, and that by the year 2047, humans will be obsolete.
They predict a future without humans by the turn of the next century. I mean, these are fantastical death-cold statements, but they’re in control of the finance. They’re in control of the medical systems. They’re in control of most of the governments.
And if humanity doesn’t awaken to this, and organize against it, we have no hope. But the plan is so diabolical and so public, that if we just admit it’s happening, and start mobilizing and organizing, we can — and we will — take this down.”
Solid Track Record
One problem with being too far ahead of everyone else is that few believe you. For well over a decade, Jones has sounded the alarm, warning that what we’re experiencing today was coming. Oftentimes, it sounded too crazy to be true, and while he’s not been 100% correct in his prognostications, his track record is surprisingly good.
According to Jones, the reason he was aware of the existence of this “deep state” cabal was because his parents were both voracious readers of political science, science journals and information in general. So, at an early age, Jones got intrigued by books about World War I and II, Cecil Rhodes, Rhodesia and the diamond monopoly, the Roman empire and other things that happened in history.
“So, I had an understanding of real history, and the fact that the world did have elites in it, and did have ruling controlling oligarchies. Of course, I’d read ‘Brave New World,’ and ‘Brave New World Revisited’ — that was nonfiction, where Huxley explains, ‘My book from 1932 is really what I believe will happen sometime after the year 2000; this is actually our goal.’
So, you read that dystopic scientific dictatorship book from ’32, and then he explains, ‘This is really what the technocrats plan. This is what we’ve been developing and preparing.’
I’ve been on air 28 years, since I was 21 years old. And a lot of it came off as crazy, because back then, a lot of this was more academic — that they were going to set up world government. They were going to have carbon taxes …
I was on air, simply reading what they were planning to do. Now, we’re here, 20-plus years later, and they’re actually starting to implement it. We’re going from beta to operational now. And so, it sounds like I’m a prophet or something, but really, I’m not. It’s just that most people weren’t reading the stuff when it was in MIT journals, when it was more academic.
Now that it’s rolling out into operational phase, people are really starting to pay attention to what I said 10, 20, 25 years ago. There’s are viral videos … where I say what’s coming in the next 10, 20 years, but again, I’m reading from their own statements. They’re the ones that planned all this.
We’ve got Joe Biden, 15 years ago in the Senate, saying, ‘Soon you’ll have a microchip under your skin to buy and sell.’ Well, he was going and meeting at the Bilderberg group, and the Davos group, and that was their plan. And so, he knew it was coming.”
Where Did It Begin?
Jones traces the beginning of the desire for a global totalitarian regime all the way back to Plato, some 2,300 years ago, who in “The Republic” expressed the idea that the poor ought to be killed off, and a race with elite characteristics be bred.
“He’s really, the founder of what became eugenics,” Jones says. “We can’t prove that it goes all the way back to Plato. We just know that his ideas are the admitted genesis point, and where all these other systems of eugenics and human enslavement basically propagate from. He’s the progenitor.”
Fast-forwarding through history, Jones paraphrases British economist Thomas Robert Malthus, who some 300 years ago expressed the idea “We should herd the poor people into tiny apartments. We should let disease spread amongst them. We should exterminate and reduce the population, because the caring capacity of the earth has been reached.”
These Malthusian views continued down through Sir Francis Galton, who in the 1850s developed the theory of modern eugenics, and who postulated that computers, the science of biometrics, the discovery of the building blocks of our cells would eventually allow them to control human reproductive processes in an orderly fashion. Malthus was heavily funded by the British royal family and the Rothschilds, who together with the Rockefellers, developed most of the modern sciences.
“It was an attempt by the elites to clamp down on technology, and use it as a tool for control, not for empowerment,” Jones says. “And then, out of Galton, we get people like HG Wells and others. And so, you had two different, competing Fabian socialists — the British Empire and Cecil Rhodes, and the CFR, the Royal Round Table group management systems of the British empire — competing with what they called the German problem.