USAID’s Samantha Power, UK’s Tobias Ellwood Declare War on Russia


    by Kurt Nimmo, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics:

    The “collective West” will need to take a more direct role in the fighting.

    There is a distinct possibility Tobias Ellwood, head of the British parliament’s “defense” committee, will get all of us, every human on planet earth, killed in a nuclear conflagration.

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    Ellwood’s highly irresponsible and criminally insane remark arrives less than two weeks after Samantha Power, boss of the USG’s subversive USAID, said the USG, NATO, and the EU are at war with Russia. Power delivered her warmongering screed—replete with lies and half-truths—to a receptive CNN, a propaganda conduit that keeps losing money.

    Ms. Power, married to USG operative Cass Sunstein (who famously called for subverting speech online in a “cognitive infiltration” operation), helped arrange the slaughter of 30,000 Libyans while “serving” in the Obama administration.

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