UK Fabricated Skripal Poisoning as ‘Trial Balloon’ for Future Moscow Demonization: Russian MFA


    from Sputnik News:

    Today, 4 March 2023, marks five years since Russian citizens – Sergei and Yulia Skripal – were “poisoned” in Salisbury, UK. The British side, despite a lack of substantial evidence, declared Russia was “highly likely” behind an “attack” on Skripal, a former Russian intelligence agent, and his daughter Yulia, who had been exposed to a nerve agent.

    Moscow condemns all of London’s attempts to blame it for what happened in Salisbury in 2018, and insists on an objective investigation, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated in connection with the five-year anniversary of the poisoning of Russian citizens Sergei and Yulia Skripal in the UK city.

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    Despite the appeals of the Russian Federation, London still refuses to jointly probe the incident. Neither has London provided any reliable information on the Skripal case, using it unashamedly in its blatant anti-Russia campaign, said the ministry. It added that it intends to seek the truth behind the events in question amid obvious inconsistencies in the British position.
    Earlier, the Russian Embassy in London released a statement on Telegram in connection with the anniversary.
    Britain fabricated the Salisbury poisoning incident back in 2018 “to prepare its own population and their Western allies for a future confrontation with Russia that has now assumed military-political characteristics in Ukraine”, the Embassy stated.
    On 4 March, the diplomatic mission released its official ‘Comment on the Fifth Anniversary of the Salisbury Incident’ involving Russian citizens Sergei and Yulia Skripal. The embassy pointed out that many details of what really happened in the Wiltshire city remain unknown, and many questions have still gone unanswered by UK authorities, who flatly refused the cooperation offered by Russia. Since 2018, the situation around the Skripals has become one of the elements of the comprehensive anti-Russian course on which London has embarked.

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