Top Scientist Changed Story on Wuhan Lab Leak after Receiving Millions in Grants from Fauci


    by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

    A top British scientist declared in 2020 that Covid most likely leaked from a lab in China but mysteriously changed his story in a complete U-turn just a few days later.

    Danish-born and British-educated scientist Kristian Andersen raised the alarm in January 2020, shortly after the virus had spread globally.

    Andersen stated that the coronavirus looked “engineered” and determined that he believed it must have leaked from a laboratory.

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    On January 31, 2020, Andersen emailed the then-director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Anthony Fauci, to warn about the origins of the virus.

    “Some of the features look engineered,” Andersen warned Fauci in the email.

    The “genome looks inconsistent with evolutionary theory,” the scientist added.

    After the email, Andersen then spoke with Fauci on the phone regarding his findings about the virus.

    Just days later, Andersen was singing an entirely different song.

    On February 4, 2020, Andersen wrote that the lab leak theory was “demonstrably false” and slammed the idea as nothing more than a conspiracy theory.

    “The main crackpot theories going around at the moment related to this virus being somehow engineered… and that is demonstrably false,” Andersen wrote.

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