from State Of The Nation:
…immediately outlaw the treasonous Democrat Party in every Republican-controlled state so that this traitorous terrorist organization can be quickly terminated throughout the entire
U.S. Federal Government.
Submitted by The Armchair Political Analyst
SOTN Exclusive
That the accurate moniker — “DEMONRAT” — has actually become a very popular meme across the USA speaks volumes about the ever-degenerating state of the communist-run Democrat Party.
The sheer breadth and depth of the evil and malevolence, wickedness and maliciousness, vileness and malignance, perfidy and malfeasance, depravity and maleficence constantly demonstrated by the Democrat Party is now out there for everyone to see. And they don’t even care!
The Democrat Party has literally become an utterly treasonous Khazarian-directed political organization which only seeks and aggressively pursues the complete destruction of the American Republic.
As a matter of historical fact, its entire leadership is now populated by exceedingly brazen traitors and shameless turncoats and treasonous foreign agents who care not a whit about the U.S. citizenry, the nation or its reputation throughout the world community of nations.
The criminally installed Biden administration, along with so many other Democrat corruptocrats who outright stole their elections, represent the most cancerous and baneful, pernicious and venomous, disastrous and vicious gang of hardcore career criminals ever to set foot inside the Beltway.
Truly, these political bolsheviks and social terrorists and cultural marxists are so dangerous and treacherous to the extreme that the continuity of the United States of America is now in great jeopardy.
Chronologically speaking, it was on November 22, 1963—the assassination of President John F. Kennedy that set the Democrat Party in an ever-accelerating downward spiral to hell. That shocking defining moment was the day this constitutional republic and representative democracy really died after 50 long years of being systematically strangled by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. For once the Khazarians took over the central bank the Democrat Party was totally owned–lock, stock and barrel.
What else could be the final outcome when this thoroughly degenerate party and its corrupt leadership regularly rely on outright election theft each and every electoral cycle. Only a party of hardened political criminals would steal their illegitimate majorities every two or four years.
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