The Lancet Concedes: Vaccines Are NOT More Effective Than Natural Immunity.


    by Raw Egg Nationalist, The National Pulse:


    Natural immunity is just as effective – if not more so – at protecting against COVID-19 Big Pharma vaccines, admits a new study in the Lancet medical journal. The about-face from the 200-year-old publication comes at the same time as the sudden change of heart amongst authorities regarding the origins of the virus.

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    “Although protection from re-infection from all variants wanes over time, our analysis of the available data suggests that the level of protection afforded by previous infection is at least as high, if not higher than that provided by two-dose vaccination using high-quality mRNA vaccines,” the report states.

    nfection should be treated similarly to those who have been fully vaccinated with high-quality vaccines.” Policymakers should “take both natural immunity and vaccination status into consideration to obtain a full picture of an individual’s immunity profile”.

    Previous studies in the Lancet equivocated over the effectiveness of natural immunity, deciding that vaccination clearly represented the best course as a matter of public health policy. Although this new report appears to be the end for such equivocation, it’s worth noting the study’s authors still recommend vaccination as the “safest option” for acquiring immunity.

    Gates Hedges.

    Ironically, the new research appears to be at least partly funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill Gates has been one of the chief public advocates for mass vaccination; although he has recently contradicted earlier claims about the vaccines.

    Speaking at the Lowy Institute in Australia, the Microsoft founder recently noted that there are three main problems with the current vaccines:

    “The three current vaccines are not infection-blocking,” he said. “They’re not broad, so when a new variant comes up you lose protection; and they have very short duration, particularly in the people who matter, which are old people.”

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