The Brave New World of 1984, Part Three


    by Franklin O’Kanu, The Pulse:

    Welcome to the three-part analysis of The Brave New World of 1984. This is Part III of three. You can find Part I here and Part II here.

    Hidden Powers

    As we wrap up our analysis on predictive programming, what’s important to note is that predictive programming is just one form of what we would consider “magic.” In my Udemy course, I describe magic as “the conscious effect of the non-physical affecting the physical.”

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    The definition of magic is similar to Jung’s definition of synchronicity, but it’s the conscious application of synchronicity. Ultimately, magic could be known as the deliberate influence of the mental realm for physical manifestations.

    From my manuscript, we read the following: “…the term magic comes from the Greek word magosMagos referred to “a member of a learned and priestly class.” (This is an important aspect that we’ll discuss, but think back about our chapter on billionaires, and you may see the connection between that chapter and this one.) Magos itself is derived from the Old Persian word magush, meaning “be able” or “have power.

    If we understand the notion that individuals can use techniques to influence the mental realm, which ultimately leads to real-world effects, we can understand how magic can be used as a tool. And if we take a look through history, we see how this power has been wielded.

    In the previous article, “The Man Behind the British Empire,” I focus on the individual known as John Dee. John Dee was the advisor to Queen Elizabeth I back in the 1500s. Dee was her second in command. Dee would sign her letters on her behalf. Dee, having saved the Queen’s life from multiple assignation attempts, is the reason behind the folklore of James Bond, better known as “007,” Dee’s signature. Dee was also the very first individual to coin the term the British Empire. Lastly, John D was well known as an alchemist and magician.

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