Similarities Between Hitler and Biden


    by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

    Everyone knows about the differences between Hitler and Biden (and there are plenty of commentators who argue only on the basis of those endlessly emphasized differences), but no one even so much as just mentions their equally important similarities, which will be pointed out here, in order to indicate, in regards to today’s U.S. policies toward China, what the United States Government took upon itself from the Nazis after the Soviet Union defeated Hitler and forced his suicide unless Hitler was to capitulate to Soviet forces — which he chose not to do: he chose suicide instead):

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    On February 28th, the Wall Street Journal headlined “Huawei Export Licenses Could be Revoked by U.S.”, and reported that, “‘The policy that had allowed exports to Huawei, notwithstanding the entity listing, is being wound down,’ said a former senior security official familiar with the administration’s policy deliberations. ‘The White House is now telling Commerce, ‘Cut off the 4G sales, the time has come to do more pain to Huawei, to try to finish their demise’,’ the former official said.”

    The U.S. Administration has said many times that China is America’s chief enemy. The standard way of doing that is such as the secret 2022 Biden Administration-announced but nonetheless secret Biden 2022 National Defense Strategy (NDS), which, allegedly, asserts that “the Department of Defense’s most urgent priority is competing with China”.

    The neoliberal-libertarian American pro-imperialism magazine National Interest, which is politically bipartisan, anticipated that NDS by headlining on 14 September 2022 “The U.S. Needs to Harness Big Tech to Compete With China”, by “Dan Gouré Ph.D.” identified there as “a vice president at the public-policy research think tank Lexington Institute [exposed, behind paywalls, as being “an advertising firm on retainer for the defense industry”; and, so, National Interest magazine’s article is, in some manner or other, reasonably to be presumed to be paid advertising, not paid ‘editorial’ content. In addition: Lexington Institute is a neoliberal-neoconservative, or pro-imperialism libertarian, operation, that therefore campaigns also for fossil-fuels corporate interests and against governmental regulations.]. Gouré has a background in the public sector and U.S. federal government, most recently serving as a member of the 2001 [G.W. Bush] Department of Defense Transition Team [and thus shares responsibility for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, which benefitted petroleum companies].” Gouré’s article opened:

    The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is the democratic world’s most significant strategic challenge and the United States’ pacing military competitor. Beijing has achieved this status primarily because of its growing economic power and enormous technological progress over the past half-century. China is seeking to build on this success by becoming dominant in a set of critical advanced technologies which, if successful, would give it economic, military, and even political dominance over the entire world. Countering this threat from China requires that the United States support and harness the creative energy and technical know-how of its successful Big Tech firms.

    The Biden administration has made it clear that it views China as the most significant strategic competitor to the United States. China’s growing economic power provides leverage for furthering Beijing’s political and strategic initiatives.

    The NDS allegedly rates Russia as being America’s #2 enemy. There is no indication that either China or Russia referred to America as being any sort of enemy, prior to America’s having (unofficially) declared both of them to be enemies of America: the hostile propaganda in this renewed Cold War started on America’s side and is only being responded-to by its ‘enemies’.

    America’s neoliberal-neoconservative Center for Strategic and International Studies headlined on 27 October 2022, “2022 National Defense Strategy: Implications for China and the Indo-Pacific”, and reported that, “The NDS argues that the Department of Defense’s most urgent priority is competing with China.”

    What is especially interesting to me about the Biden Administration’s terminological choices here is that America’s alleged ‘Defense’ Department is allegedly being tasked with “competition” (a broad term that’s far commoner in economic than in military contexts) instead of with “conquest” or “winning” or with “defeating an enemy” (which is what a “War Department” — which America’s Founders had created in 1789 and President Truman in 1947 replaced with an actual Aggression Department that is officially called “the Defense Department” (something — “defense” — that it has never done, because no one ever invaded America after WW II — if even then). Truman created the “standing army” that America’s Founders had done all they could to outlaw. He created the permanent-war Military-Industrial Complex or “MIC” in 1947, and also the secret police or CIA — the international coup-creating agency — in that same year, in order to build the all-encompassing global American empire of ‘allies’ or colonies, after Hitler’s plan to build such global hegemony for Germany had been defeated in 1945. Truman took up that global-hegemonic banner, for America (instead of for Germany). And Biden today — not Hitler — is its champion.

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