Sending Depleted Uranium Munitions To Ukraine Is A War Crime Against The Ukrainian People


    by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

    Depleted uranium is the gift that keeps on killing.  Just ask the people of Iraq.  Cancer rates and birth defect rates both went up exponentially after the U.S. military systematically defiled their air, water and soil with depleted uranium.  And it doesn’t go away.  10 years after the invasion of Iraq, a team of scientists “detected high levels of uranium contamination in soil samples at three sites in the province of Nineveh”, and those high levels were being directly blamed for “dramatically increasing rates of childhood cancers and birth defects at local hospitals”.  Under no circumstances should depleted uranium munitions ever be used in warfare, and our leaders know this.  But now the western powers will be sending depleted uranium munitions to Ukraine, and this is nothing less than a war crime against the Ukrainian people.

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    Baroness Goldie, the UK’s Minister of State at the Ministry of Defence, created quite a stir when she publicly answered a question about depleted uranium munitions on Monday

    Alongside our granting of a squadron of Challenger 2 main battle tanks to Ukraine, we will be providing ammunition including armour piercing rounds which contain depleted uranium. Such rounds are highly effective in defeating modern tanks and armoured vehicles.

    I cannot even begin to describe how morally wrong it is to do this.

    Yes, these munitions will be used to strike Russian forces, but it is the Ukrainian people that will really suffer in the long run.

    If you doubt this, just go to Google images and do a search for “depleted uranium Iraq birth defects”.

    What you will see will make you want to vomit.

    The same deformities will happen to countless numbers of Ukrainian children if we do not find a way to stop this.

    Needless to say, the Russians clearly understand the threat.  In fact, earlier this year one Russian official publicly stated that sending depleted uranium munitions to Ukraine would be the equivalent of using “dirty nuclear bombs against Russia”

    In January, Konstantin Gavrilov, head of the Russian delegation in Vienna on arms control, said the Kremlin would consider such ammunition being sent to Ukraine “as the use of dirty nuclear bombs against Russia with all the ensuing consequences,” according to the BBC.

    And Vladimir Putin just ominously warned that Russia will “respond accordingly” if the UK actually delivers such weapons into the hands of the Zelensky regime…

    Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that Moscow would be “respond accordingly” if Britain gives Ukraine military supplies, including armor-piercing ammunition containing depleted uranium.

    “[The U.K.] announced not only the supply of tanks to Ukraine, but also shells with depleted uranium,” Putin told reporters after talks at the Kremlin with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping. “I would like to note that if all this happens, then Russia will have to respond accordingly … The collective West is already starting to use weapons with a nuclear component.”

    It is one thing to fight a war.

    It is another thing to turn an entire country into a highly toxic hellhole for generations.

    Depleted uranium is extremely effective at piercing armor, but breathing in depleted uranium dust can cause radioactive material to be “absorbed into skeletal tissue and organs”

    DU is a radioactive and chemically toxic substance the U.S. military uses in armor-piercing weapons. DU burns upon impact, and if DU dust is inhaled or ingested or if there is exposure to DU fragments, radioactive material can be absorbed into skeletal tissue and organs. Depleted uranium is a genotoxic agent that has been linked to the development of cancer and other diseases and that may lead to increasing public health issues if genetic damage is passed on to children.

    What we did to Iraq was truly a crime against humanity.

    By 2005, the number of Iraqi citizens that had cancer was 40 times higher than it was in 1991…

    Official Iraqi government statistics show that, prior to the outbreak of the First Gulf War in 1991, the rate of cancer cases in Iraq was 40 out of 100,000 people. By 1995, it had increased to 800 out of 100,000 people, and, by 2005, it had doubled to at least 1,600 out of 100,000 people. Current estimates show the increasing trend continuing.

    As shocking as these statistics are, due to a lack of adequate documentation, research, and reporting of cases, the actual rate of cancer and other diseases is likely to be much higher than even these figures suggest.

    And studies have shown that breathing in depleted uranium dust had an enormous impact on our troops as well

    While Iraqi civilians are bearing the brunt of the crisis, U.S. servicemembers and veterans are also at risk. A 2001 survey of 30,000 Gulf War veterans found that their children were 1.8 to 2.8 times more likely to have birth defects.

    The bottom line is that we should not be doing this.

    Right now, British officials are telling everyone that depleted uranium munitions are safe for the environment, but they are lying.

    Yes, these weapons will initially be used against Russian forces, but this war is not being fought on Russian soil.

    Ultimately, it is the Ukrainians that will suffer the most, because their air, water and soil will be poisoned for generations.

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