New bird flu passes to mammals and causes “zombie-like” behavior — infected animals have no fear of humans


    by Lance D Johnson, DC Clothesline:

    According to the United States Geological Study (USGS), a new bird flu strain is spreading from wild birds to wild mammals, causing “zombie-like” animal behaviors. The infected mammals possess various neurological issues and have no fear of humans, the government study warns.

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    The first outbreaks were observed across Europe as early as October 2021. The outbreaks are coming from a highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1, which allegedly belongs to the Eurasian lineage, clade The strains were detected during wild bird surveillance in November 2021 and have spread rapidly across Newfoundland and Labrador Canada and the United States through wild bird reservoirs and through the domestic poultry supply, including both backyard flocks and birds in commercial poultry facilities.

    New bird flu strain passes from wild birds to mammals

    The new strains have even passed over to various mammalian species — most predominantly the red fox. The sickness has also been detected in the Eurasian River otter, the Eurasian lynx, ferrets, European polecats, and stone martens captured throughout Europe. In May 2022, US and Canadian epidemiologists isolated the highly pathogenic avian influenza HfN1 in wild mammals. Were gain-of-function virology experiments involved in the sudden mammalian transmissibility of the bird flu?

    In the latest USGS study, epidemiologists detected HPAIv in 67 wild mammals across ten states. From April 1 to July 21, 2022, the researchers isolated infected animals from New York to Alaska, and many places in between, including North Dakota, Iowa, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, Idaho, Michigan, and Minnesota. According to the study, the infected animals included 50 red foxes, six striped skunks, four raccoons, two bobcats, two Virginia opossums, one coyote, one fisher, and one grey fox. The mammalian species most likely to be infected is the red fox.

    According to study co-author, Dr. Hon Ip, Diagnostic Virologist at the USGS National Wildlife Health Center: “The most likely cause of infection was from predation or scavenging of wild birds infected with HPAIv as wild birds are a component of the natural diet for many of these mammalian species.” According to genetic sequencing conducted on 48 of the wild mammals, the infections are confirmed to be crossing over from wild birds. The epidemiologists found no evidence of lateral transmission of HPAIv within wild populations of terrestrial mammalian species; however, there is experimental evidence that horizontal transmission of H5N1 HPAIv occurs in domestic cats and ferrets. Moreover, the authors of the study could not rule out the possibility of parent to offspring transmission of the virus.

    Is an upcoming plandemic of highly transmissible bird flu on the horizon? Is man-made engineering involved in the spillover effect of this zombie-like bird flu? Is this the source of a future bird flu pandemic that former CDC Director Robert Redfield was warning about? Dr. Robert Redfield, recently appeared on an episode of Hill.TV’s Rising to warn that a “great pandemic is coming.” He said a new pandemic will be the consequence of international bioterrorism and gain-of-function research that hasn’t been stopped yet, despite it being implicated in the development of covid-19.

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