Moderna CEO feigns ignorance on myocarditis studies


    by Mike Campbell, The Counter Signal:

    Moderna’s CEO feigned ignorance when asked by Republican Senator Rand Paul if he knew of young males having an increased risk of myocarditis when they get COVID vaccinated compared to infected.

    On Wednesday, Paul grilled Moderna’s CEO Stephane Bancel over the risks of adverse effects from the COVID vaccines during a Senate hearing.

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    Paul asked Bancel if he’s aware of the increased risk of myocarditis for males aged sixteen to twenty-four. Bancel said his understanding is that the risk of getting myocarditis is greater from a COVID infection.

    “That is not true” Paul said.

    “And I’d like to enter into the record six peer-reviewed papers from the Journal of Vaccine, the Annals of Medicine that say the complete opposite of what you say.”

    Last April, a study of 23.1 million Nordic people found that mRNA vaccinations led to an increased risk of myocarditis or pericarditis, especially for young males.

    Findings reveal that after the second injection of Pfizer, the 16-24 age group showed up to seven more excess events of myocarditis per capita than the unvaccinated group, while for Moderna, there were up to 28 more excess events per capita in the vaccinated group.

    Paul further asked Bancel if he thought a conflict of interest existed for the US government given that it is profiting from vaccinating Americans.

    Last month, Moderna paid the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) $400 million for applying knowledge gained from the US government’s research when developing its COVID vaccines.

    Bancel told Paul that it’s not his business to make determinations about the US government.

    The CEO further justified his company’s plan to increase the price of the COVID vaccines by 400% this upcoming fall when the shots go to the private market.

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