Joe’s Totalitarian Government – Fourth Reich or Mandarin Style?


    by George McClellan , America Outloud:

    Joe strives for a totalitarian government. If he can get one, he won’t have to answer awkward questions about his competency and screwups anymore. Totalitarian governments and their bureaucracies proceed on the notion of complete top-down government control guided by the precision and intent of their holy purpose. Hitler’s Nazis were very good at it, not so much Mussolini’s fascists.

    Precision is to focus on their end goal, the complete socialization of America so it can take its place among the proud slave nations of Klaus Schwab’s (WEF) New World Order or, more probably, the Chinese. Intent is simply the method to get us there without stirring up the Hornet’s nest of American outrage that will eat them alive.

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    Happily, Joe Biden is incapable of having a tyrannical government no matter how hard he tries because, apart from being corrupt, he’s indisputably incompetent. His administration is a wannabe government of excruciating incompetence, painful indecision, and aimless wanderings through the minefields of seditious political intrigue. Unhappily, Joe Biden is still the President, and there’s precious little we can do about it except launch more committee hearings to annoy the media buffoons and the Marxist Democrats.

    The balloon fiasco is an example of indecision. Remember the fairy tale of Chicken Little, who claimed the sky was falling when he got bumped on the noggin by a falling walnut? That’s Joe’s Balloon problem. The open border is not sloppy incompetence. It’s part of the Left’s “Intent” to infiltrate America’s voter polls and, in turn, our local and state governments. It’s all deliberate!

    We wonder, however, was his failure to shoot down a Chinese balloon, or whatever it was, indecision or actually obedience to his Chinese masters who have pumped into the Biden family coffers millions of dollars. Joe is an unregistered agent of the CCP. So is his son Hunter.

    Most of everything disastrous we have been experiencing since Biden was imposed as our president, is part of the Marxist’s Intent to fundamentally change America. I say Marxists because that’s how they behave. They are openly brazen about what they intend, especially when you consider the low intellectual quality of the people Biden puts forward for high office and judgeships, like transgenders, woke generals, and gay mayors, who focus on Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity as the primary moving forces to make America average again.

    They know it’s all BS but a weakened military, a kowtowing civilian bureaucracy fearful of losing their sinecures, and National Teachers Unions pushing America’s educational agenda to embrace CRT, are the real enemies of the state. Their intent was to create a new world order of obedient American slaves dependent on the government for their individual survival.

    So, why is everything in disarray? Because the New World Order can’t proceed without all the banking systems of all the major world economies joining in ⏤ in a single global banking system. Take a guess who refused to join in? Russia, hence the war with Ukraine, to suck ‘em dry. It’s a hard slog, but it’s working.

    So there’s Joe, secretly flying off to Poland and a long night train ride to Kyiv, a staged scene with air raid sirens blaring, meeting the President of Ukraine, making a speech he hopes will be ensconced right up there with JFK’s “Ich ben Berliner, ” Reagans “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall” and G.W. Bush’s “the people who brought down these towers will hear us,” speeches that united America.

    Biden is only worried about Ukraine’s border.

    Like all determined socialists with silly social engineering ideas that fly in the face of human nature, the thinkers of the New World Order haven’t yet figured that out, and like all previous attempts at social engineering, they will never reinvent human nature or force others to reinvent themselves to fit their stupid agenda. All they have left is to resort to mass murder (abortions) and, soon, reeducation camps, a la Stalin.

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