If You Can’t Beat Them, Maim Or Kill Them!


    by Fed Up Texas Chick, The Tenpenny Report:

    Remember all the mainstream media articles saying that unvaccinated Americans were more likely to be hospitalized or die? And remember the articles saying that the dumb, mask-ditching, jab-hesitant conservative/Republican rednecks were the dumbest of all? You were stupid if you didn’t wear a mask, and even more stupid for not following Fauci’s other restrictions. You were not a serious person because you didn’t take the pandemic seriously. You were directly responsible for increased transmissions, you caused more severe outcomes, and you killed Grandma, for God’s sake.

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    The mainstream media couldn’t wait to show us the great vaccine disparities between red and blue states, and they salivated at sharing the huge differences in death rates between conservative and liberal states. They shamed the unjabbed with sentences like this: “Despite concerted efforts to convince those most hesitant, 57 million eligible Americans over the age of five remain completely unvaccinated.” Even five year olds are at fault!

    “Vaccine hesitancy in red states!” shouted CNN as they declared COVID-19 a political issue. Never mind that THEY (the mainstream media outlets) made it a political issue by correlating voting with COVID jabs, e.g. the 10 states with the highest vaccination rates all voted for Biden in 2020. Polls like this one from February 2022 couldn’t wait to let everyone know that a little over half (56% of Republicans) were vaccinated, but nearly all of Democrats (92%) were. Most of these stories were accompanied by the tombstone of some unfortunate Republican who was too dumb to get vaccinated, and therefore paid the ultimate price.

    CDC Director Rochelle Walensky has long said she is leading the agency with science, but reminds people that “while the implication is that science is black and white …with an ever-evolving virus, and a two-year-long pandemic, the science…is oftentimes shades of gray.”

    Is the CDC intentionally keeping things gray to pull the wool over our eyes? They can talk about death rates in red states, and use their media handlers to lead us to believe they are deaths from the virus, but are the deaths really from the jabs? Leaked CDC documents show that more deadly batches were directed towards red states.

    The First News of Bad Batches

    One of the first reports about bad batches was in 2021 when European Union (EU) regulators found significant differences in quality among different jab batches. They couldn’t determine the cause of the poor quality, but noted that the Pfizer jab contents were prone to spoilage and that the batches were much lower standard than Pfizer had promised. Interestingly, we may have never known about the European Medicines Agency (EMA) regulator concerns, except that the details from the senior official’s November 23 email were leaked following a cyberattack.

    Bad batches are not supposed to occur, ever. Why? Because the FDA supposedly has a rigorous pharmacovigilance process in place, yet their own COVID-19 specific webpage hasn’t been updated since 2021. In short, bad batches should never occur, and if they do, the product should be immediately removed from the public – either permanently or until the issue is fixed. The pharmacovigilance process ensures a smooth and safe transition between pre-market and post-market. It is the responsibility of Pfizer (and Moderna and all other manufacturers) to have it in place, and the FDA’s responsibility to monitor it in the US.

    Pfizer’s own website assures us that the company’s “pharmacovigilance organization ensures the safe and appropriate use of the products in our portfolio through the collection, analysis and reporting of safety events. As our portfolio grows and technology evolves, the volume of case reports is increasing.” Funny how they never attribute the rising cases to their own batch issues, isn’t it?

    Numerous articles like this one from the New York Times on how Pfizer makes their products were supposed to reassure the public that everything was under control. Was the media in on the ruse as well? We all know the answer.

    “During clinical trials, patient exposure is limited and closely monitored, and there are very specific criteria for patients who are eligible to take part in the study. However, once the product is on the market and more widely available, patient exposure is much more widespread and patients may experience adverse reactions (ARs) or adverse drug experiences (ADEs) that have not been observed previously in a clinical trial setting.”

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