Exclusive: Rep. Issa Calls for Whistleblowers to Come Forward After New Claims from Alleged Biden Associate


    by Emma-Jo Morris, Breitbart:

    Top Congressional investigator Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) is calling for whistleblowers to come forward after the arrest of an Israeli think-tank executive who allegedly served with Hunter Biden as an adviser to a Chinese energy company and claims to have documents detailing financial links between President Joe Biden and the company.

    Gal Luft, co-director of the D.C.-based Institute for the Analysis of Global Security and specialist in energy security and U.S.-China relations, was arrested in Cyprus on an Interpol arrest warrant against him on suspicion of arms trafficking to Libya and China, according to Israeli news outlet Ynet.

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    But, according to Luft, the arrest is “political revenge” for bringing the FBI incriminating information ahead of the 2020 election about Joe Biden’s ties to his family’s business with a Chinese energy company.

    “My only ‘sin’ is that in March 2019, before the US presidential elections, I brought to the FBI incriminating information about the business of US President Joe Biden’s family with China, and about a corruption case at the top of the FBI,” Luft told Ynet.

    Israeli international criminal and civil rights lawyer Mordechai Tzivin, who is representing Luft, told the Jerusalem Post his client has information that would “bury” Hunter Biden and “shift attention toward the president himself.”

    “[He] knows a lot of information on Hunter. The [Congress] only recently began to investigate Hunter’s case and Gal’s testimony, if [he is allowed to testify] will bury Hunter Biden.” Tzivin told the Post. “Even more so, his testimony will shift the attention toward the president himself.”

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