
    by Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show:

    It is laughable that some in the Independent Media are still in denial about the existence and true nature of concentration camps in America, commonly known as FEMA camps. The evidence is overwhelming and from certain documents we can ascertain how “detainees” will be captured and transported to these infamous FEMA camps. One of the purposes of this article is to demonstrate, that from the government’s own documents, they tell us what kind of hell-on-Earth is awaiting the American people courtesy of the United Nations.

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    Review of the Takeover of the United States by Pre-Positioned UN Troops

    Previously on this website, it was established that the globalists have organized a plot designed to overthrow the US government and the American people.

    Their first objective is to bring holy hell to the United States. Antifa (ie MS-13 and ISIS), along with CIA support, Deep State resources and the use of the FBI cover-up elements, are in the midst of bringing so much chaos to American soil, that UN intervention will be deemed necessary based on previously covered prior agreements between the US government and the United Nations called the Kigali Principles which I have extensively, and recently, written about. Previously, I cited a Fox News report which stated that UN soldiers (eg Russians and Chinese et al) will seizing guns and imprisoning those deemed to be a threat to the New World Order. In the three previous articles of on The Common Sense Show, I documented how the UN troops have been practicing for the takeover. This articles examines the fact that it will be UN forces that will be operating the FEMA camps of mass incarceration.

    An Irrelevant Question

    Some time ago, I received the following email from someone in the Independent Media:

    Mr. Hodges, You are discrediting the movement of the Alt Right media with your crazy claims about FEMA camps and that millions of Americans will be sent there to either die or be re-educated. What bullshit. You are a discredit to the entire industry and you misleading millions with these baseless conspiratorial claims. There are no FEMA Camps and there will be no re-education. There are no Russians and Chinese in America, You are paranoid. I suppose you believe that Hitler killed  six million Jews. Why don’t you go back to whatever useless job you had prior to pretending that you present real news?  

    Previously, I was sent this in response to an article I wrote which suggested that President Trump used the Brownsville, TX., Walmart to house detainee children to expose DHS control of FEMA camps. DHS is one of the alphabet soup agencies that still remains firmly entrenched in the Deep State.

    “Dave,  this is what I got from one of the people I sent the article on about the Fema camps I’m speechless, so what do you suggest I say back?”

    Here is my basic question. What would be the purpose of putting millions of people in FEMA camps.We just don’t have millions of trouble makers of any kind in the US…political or criminal, etc.

    When you have millions in prisons, you have to feed them, manage them, etc. and that takes people and money. So, when propaganda is SO effective coming from the media, why would any organization want to put people into FEMA camp prisons? Especially millions. While there is a handful of politically outspoken people in the US, you could round them up and they would all fit into ONE prison! So, all these FEMA camps make no sense in terms of containing millions of people.

    So, my question remains…why would anyone want to put millions of people in FEMA camps when they are so easily controlled by propaganda? What would be the logic of doing this? What would be the purpose? Who would see this as a good idea?

    The defender of American virtue, and denier of the Deep State as the author of this email somehow forgot to sign their real name to this scathing communication. Let’s see if this person is right. Is the notion of a FEMA camp that will do bad things to American citizens merely a flight of paranoid fantasy? Is the second emailer correct in that it would make no sense for a government to house millions of its own citizens either for extermination or re-education. To the second email, the author, who is expressing woeful ignorance, should be taking a basic history class. Stalin, Hitler, Mao, et al., used concentration camps to dispose or re-educate citizens who might not be on board with the totalitarian regime change in their country. An examination of this topic should begin with a simple question: “Will American soldiers fire upon American citizens upon a martial law roundup of millions of Americans”? Unfortunately, the answer to that question is a moot point. It is clear from analyzing data from Army concentration camp materials, that American soldiers will be used  to round up detainees. However, the camps in which people will be deported to will ultimately be staffed and run by foreign troops and these troops will be under UN control. This document will make this point abundantly clear.

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