Comply Or Die – Two More Top Independent Media Websites Killed Off As War On Truth And Open Debate Continues And Warriors For Truth In The Empire Of Lies Are Systematically Silenced


    by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

    Social Engineering: “The use of centralized planning in an attempt to manage social change and regulate the future development and behavior of a society.

    In the age of the Internet, social engineering takes on a slightly different form, where to “change the behavior,” of Independent Media, “centralized planning” becomes forcing compliance with the “consensus.”

    In other words, follow the narrative we determine, or we’ll destroy you.

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    We at ANP personally know this because when Google Adsense disabled their ads from our website, the note that came with it specifically highlighted the fact that we were reporting on issues that were not approved by the “consensus.”

    If we saw things differently than the controlled narrative, then we could shut up about it, or have the monetary rug pulled out from under us.

    Later in the article we will say goodbye to two more Independent Media websites which we had on our front page under “top websites.”




    For those that have been with ANP since 2016, it is already known, but for those that are newer to this website, let me explain how and when this “comply or die” use of monetization began.

    After Independent Media collectively countered the misinformation from the MSM about Donald Trump and exposed Hillary Clinton (email server, deleted emails, passing out at the 911 memorial, etc…) and helped get Trump elected despite the lies, disinformation, selectively edited video and statements from Trump, by the MSM, the ability of an Independent Media website to survive, became much more difficult.

    For the record for those that were not with us in 2016, ANP did not have donation notes in our articles and accepted donations only when someone emailed asking if they could donate. We didn’t need them.

    We do now…. more than ever.

    Because the election in 2016 happened in November, it wasn’t until 2017 that we, and many other Independent websites noticed that social media was started to limit the reach of shared articles, and ad services, such as Google were no longer showing ads that paid the most, all carefully coordinated to slowly either force us and others to comply, or bankrupt us all.

    Anyone remember Red Flag News? We use to link to them and one day we went to their website and found the following notice:


    Ok, our trip down memory lane is over.

    During a time of systematic, ‘big tech’ censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)





    When the Covid “pandemic” hit, ad services and social media giants used it as an opportunity to force Independent Media to comply….or die.

    Social media started suspending or terminating accounts that offered opinions that did not comply with the “consensus” opinion. Even asking questions, such as “did Covid come from the Wuhan lab?” because reason enough to censor that user.

    Ad services such as Google Adsense went as far as disabling ads on Independent Media websites if they reported anything that did not comply with the “official narrative.”

    Say a man cannot be a woman and it “incites hatred against, promotes discrimination of, or disparages an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization.”

    Contradict the “consensus,” on a “major health crisis aka Covid and it is considered “Dangerous or derogatory content.”

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